How to List Your Business on Bing

If you are looking for an affordable way to get your business on the radar of potential customers, then one option you will want to consider, is to list your business on Bing. Bing Local provides a platform to allow internet visitors and customers to connect to and find local businesses in their area. However in order for customers to find your business on Bing, you must first list your business on the website. Listed below are my answers and tips for you to successfully combine Bing and your business, including tips on how to list your business on Bing, the benefits of listing your business on Bing, and the cost to list your business on Bing.

Why List your Business on Bing

When you list your business on Bing, your business joins the Bing library files. As part of the Bing library, your business will now be able to show up when visitors search the Bing website. If your business is focused on a local audience, Bing Local allows visitors and customers to search a specific location, so that customers can find exactly what they are looking for in a specific location. An example of this would be if a visitor or potential customer was searching for “Restaurants in Green Bay, Wisconsin.” If you owned a restaurant in Green Bay and listed your business on Bing, your business would show up in that search result for that customer.

Benefits of Listing your Business on Bing

One of the main benefits of listing your business on Bing, is that you as a business do not have to go out and search for individual customers. Rather the customers can easily search and find your business.

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Cost to List your Business on Bing

Another benefit and reason to list your business on Bing, is that it is completely free! Yes that is right, free advertising for your business.

How to List your Business on Bing

If you have decided that listing your business on Bing is something that you want and should do, then just follow my easy steps below.

To list your business on Bing, you will want to go to the Local Listing Center on the Bing website. You can access that by using either one of these two links:

Once you are there, just follow the easy on screen instructions about your business and its location.

If you prefer not to use those links you can get to the Bing Local Listing Center by following these steps:

1. Go to the website
2. On the front page, type “bing local listing center” into the search box
3. The first and second entries listed (after the sponsored website link) will be the Bing website links you will want to click. You will only need to click one of them.
4. Then just follow the easy on screen instructions regarding your business.

Hopefully this helped you list your business on Bing. If you have any questions or comments, just post them below. Thanks for reading and good luck with your business!