How to Learn Salsa Dancing

Are you looking for a fitness workout that’s fun? Let’s face it. The treadmill, stair climber, and elliptical machine can get monotonous after awhile. Sometimes you need a completely different form of workout to challenge your body and keep yourself motivated. One exciting workout you may not have considered is salsa dancing. Salsa dancing is not only a pleasant diversion from walking and aerobics but has the additional benefit of allowing you to engage in social interaction at the same time. Sound interesting? Here’s how to learn salsa dancing.

Salsa dancing may sound entertaining but what about the health benefits? Salsa dancing is a workout that helps to build endurance and when done at a fast pace, you’ll get a good cardiovascular workout. You can burn over four hundred calories in an hour of fast paced salsa dancing once you become skilled. Plus, salsa dancing has other less tangible benefits. A study published in the journal Nursing Times showed that salsa dancing may be effective in relieving symptoms of depression. This isn’t surprising. It’s hard to feel depressed when your body is moving to uplifting music. When you learn how to salsa, you’ll develop a sense of accomplishment which can enhance your social skills and give a greater sense of confidence.

What are the best ways to get started in the exciting world of salsa dancing? Here are some options for learning to salsa:

How to learn salsa: Choose salsa dance clothing and shoes

Once you learn the basic salsa steps and are ready to venture out to a club to show off your new salsa dancing skills, wear a stylish dress and comfortable heels or dress down and wear loose jeans and a comfortable pair of dance shoes with suede or leather soles. Rubber soles usually aren’t allowed at club as they can mar the floor. You can also buy a variety of salsa dancing shoes online. While learning to salsa dance, comfort should be foremost in your mind. Loose clothing and comfortable shoes are the best attire.

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How to learn salsa: Get instruction

You can learn the basics of salsa dancing from the privacy of your own home by using a salsa dancing DVD found at various online sites. This is a good way to test the waters and find out if salsa dancing appeals to you. Once you’ve learned the basics at home you may want to sign up for a more in depth studio class where you can learn advanced moves. There are salsa dance clubs scattered throughout the U.S. that offer free beginning lessons in salsa dancing. This is an option that’s best approached after you’ve learned some of the basics at home.

How to learn salsa: Practice your new skills

The best way to become a more proficient salsa dancer is to practice the art of salsa dancing as much as possible. One of the most enjoyable ways to do this is to go to a salsa dancing club and dance with more accomplished salsa dancers. By dancing with a variety of salsa dancers, you’ll advance your skills and get a better workout at the same time. If you find there are certain moves you’re unable to master, you may want to take a few private lessons to fine tune your skills.

When you learn how to salsa dance, you not only challenge your body but you also develop a social skill that will allow you to meet interesting people, feel more confident, and enjoy life to its fullest. Why not give it a try?
