How to Know What Kind of Paint to Use in the Kitchen

Painting the kitchen is a great way to update the look. Knowing what kind of paint to use on kitchen walls will help ensure a long life for your paint job, create the most durable look, and also help with ease of application.

Here are steps and tips for know what kind of paint to paint kitchen walls with:

#1 Type of Paint for Kitchen Walls

When starting you should understand there are basically two types of paint. Oil paint and latex paint are the choices. Oil paint is very resistant to water and withstands cleaner very well. This is one of the reasons it is great for a work are alike the kitchen.

One of the draw back is how shiny it is. In many cases most people would use an old based paint on cabinets, wood work, and doors.

In most cases many people choose to go the latex paint rout when painting the kitchen. Your three options are the flat, semi gloss, an high gloss. Semi gloss is a great choice for painting kitchen walls.

Semi gloss latex paint has a tiny sheen to it and can withstand wiping down to clean. As paints advance you can also find many brands of paints that tout they without washing and scrubbing. Which leads us to brands of paints.

#2: Brands of Paints for Kitchen Walls

You do get what you pay for with paints, so if you have kids or love to cook with grease, I recommend sticking with a high end paint or buying one of the nicer brands that does advertise they can withstand scrubbing.

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In general you can expect these high end paints ot run as low as $30 a gallon and on up. While you are at your local hardware or home improvement store ask about signature series paints, high end paints, and paints that withstand wear and tear. Your sales associate will know which brands to point you to.

Each store, like Home Depot, Lowe’s and Ace Hardware, carry their own brands of high end paints, so this will vary from store to store. In particular I love the Benjamin Moore brand at Ace Hardware for the kitchen and the Signature Series line at Lowe’s Both are high quality paints that look greta in one coat an fabulous in two!

#3: Understanding What Paint is Already on Your Kitchen Walls

Finally, before you paint your kitchen you need to know what is already on the wall. If you painted it, then you know. If not, then you can buy paint kits at the home improvement store that allow you to test what type of paint is on the walls of yoru kitchen.

This is important because you can not paint latex paints over oil based paints. Oil paints never truly dry, where as latex (plastic) dries completely. The end result is peeling and flaking paint.

So, stick to the same type of paint as is on your walls, or be ready to prime them out to prepare for the new kitchen paint.
