How to Know If Your Infant Has Allergies

An infant may show specific signs of having allergies. Food allergens are easier to detect in infants than they are in babies and older children, as infants should only be consuming breastmilk or infant formula. Families in which food allergies are present may be both more aware of and more likely to have infants with food allergies. Allergies may also be triggered by environmental factors, or through contact with allergens.

Common Infant Allergies

Infants with food allergies are typically allergic to the proteins found in their liquid diets. Allergies may be to cow’s milk protein or to soy protein found in baby formula.

How to Identify an Infant Allergy

Difficulty Breathing

If an infant or baby has difficulty breathing, and you suspect an allergy call 911. A food allergy can cause anaphylactic shock and airways may become constricted. Allergies in both babies and adults can develop and worsen over time. This is a severe symptom of allergy that requires immediate medical attention.


One sign of an infant allergy is hives. If a baby develops hives, which are raised bumps in the skin that can look like mosquito bites, he may have an allergy. The hives form when the body releases histamine. Some triggers of hives include common food allergens: fish, eggs, soy, wheat, milk and nuts. Also to blame are chocolate, tomatoes and fresh berries. If your baby has hives, remove these foods from his diet.

For an infant, hives may occur if baby has a latex allergy and his skin came in contact with latex, which can be found in gloves or in bandages. Too much sunlight could also cause hives.

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An infant who has allergies could develop a rash. If a pet is present in the house, the pet dander could be causing an allergic reaction that shows up as a rash, itchy and watery eyes and in some cases wheezing.

Gastrointestinal Disturbances

A baby who has protein allergies may experience gastrointestinal disturbances including forceful and frequent vomiting of formula, persistent diarrhea, or excessive gas. A common food allergen consumed by infants is soy protein.

Persistent Sniffles

Infants who have persistent sniffles but do not have a cold or virus may be suffering from allergies.

Babies and Food Allergens

A baby may have a mild reaction to a particular food, and each time they eat that particular food the symptoms may become more severe. Ideally, for the first six months of life, an infant’s diet should consist of only breastmilk (or formula).

When food allergies exist in the family, wait until after the twelfth month to introduce the most common food allergens. Common food allergens for babies, which should be limited in the introduced individually include eggs (especially egg yolks), cow’s milk, peanuts, wheat, soy, tree nuts, fish and wheat.


The offending allergens will need to be removed from baby’s diet or environment, and in some cases further testing may be required.

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