How to Keep Water Moccasins Away from Your Home

Water moccasins are considered to be the most dangerous snake in North America because of it’s aggressive nature and it’s highly poisonous venom. These snakes are found throughout the continent but are most common in the southern US in states such as Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas. If you reside in an area that is known for it’s water moccasin population there are steps you can take to discourage these creatures from invading your property and endangering your family.

Things You’ll Need:
Long Handled Garden Tools
Snake Boots
Thick Work Gloves

Step One:
Tour your property and remove any obvious potential hideouts for snakes. Snakes love to hide in dark, moist areas including wood piles, mulch and trash burn piles. The first step to preventing water moccasins from residing on your property is to make sure they have no where to hide. To do this, make sure to wear thick protective clothing including thick jeans, work gloves and possibly even snake boots to protect your extremities in case you encounter one of these creatures. Using long handled garden tools, slowly disturb and turn over wood and trash piles and remove them from your property. Be careful while your moving these things because they may in fact already be hiding a snake underneath. If you see one, immediately drop what you are holding and retreat inside your home. Call the proper authorities to remove the snake from your property.

Step Two:
Perform regular maintenance on your yard and property. Water moccasins are known for seeking refuge in moist grassy areas and keeping your lawn neat and clean will help reduce the number of places they have to hide on your property. Mow your lawn regularly during high growth months and be sure to use a weed eater around ditches and the edges of your property for best results.

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Step Three:
Use mothballs liberally both inside your home and around your property to keep away water moccasins. Most varieties of mothballs contain an ingredient known as napthalene which releases fumes that are harsh and painful to a snake’s smell receptors. Spread the mothballs any where snakes would hide to prevent them from coming around. For the best results spread them around the edges of your property, especially at the wood line. You can also place them in your garden, flower beds and around your pool and porch areas as well.
Step Four:
Prevent water moccasins from visiting by eradicating potential food sources on your property. This type of snake often feeds on mice, rats, frogs and lizards and if you can find a way to lessen the presence of these creatures the snakes will have to travel elsewhere to find food. This can be done by encouraging creatures like cats and owls to hang around your yard because they also feed on similar food sources as the snakes.

Step Five:
Use commercial snake repellent products to provide an additional barrier against water moccasins and other snakes. Commercial snake repellents have been shown to have mixed results on water moccasins but can be effective when used in conjunction with other snake repelling methods. Snake repellents, similarly to mothballs, should be spread around the perimeter of your property, along wood lines and around porches and ditches for best results.

If you see a water moccasin, do not attempt to catch and remove the animal yourself. Contact your local animal control or proper authorities to safely remove the creature from your property.

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Never attempt these snake repelling procedures while home alone, always make sure there is another responsible adult at home that can drive you to the nearest hospital in the event of an accidental snake bite.