How to Keep Mice Out of Your House

There are few things in nature as cute as a mouse. However, few of us are found of that cute little mouse when he is first spotted scurrying across the living room floor. Most are even less impressed when they find a loaf of bread has been invaded during the night by a gang of mice. Here are some tips that will help you to keep the mice out of you home.

The most basic and important step to keep mice out of your home is to close up any opens that they can come in through. A simple walk around your home should identify places that a mouse can enter. Fill holes with spray insulation, wood putty, or any other substance that will make entry difficult. Large holes need to be repaired. If your home is older it simply may not be possible to physically keep the mice out from under your home. Key areas to look at are openings for utilities such as water pipes, electrical wires, cable / television wires, etc. Be careful working around these openings, the spray foam insulation works great here. Also check around your dryer vent for space for a mouse to squeeze through. Also check gaps around doors and windows. Filling all of these openings will not only keep the mice out but will help on your heating and cooling bills as well.

Once you have mouse proofed the exterior as well as possible it is time to look inside. Go into your dark basement or crawl space during the day time and look for sources of light. If light is entering there is a hole that needs fixed (or it is a window!). Go back into the basement or crawl space at night with the interior lights on and again look for openings where light is coming into the basement / crawl space. Remember to check around indoor plumbing especially sinks.

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The above are the two most important steps there is other things to do. Keeping a tidy home and not leaving food and crumbs everywhere will keep from feeding the mice (and insects) and make your home less of a target. Ancient man didn’t domesticate dogs and cats for entertainment alone. The presence of a predator will help persuade the mice to check out your neighbors house instead of yours. Brush your dog(s) and cat(s) regularly and toss small amounts of the hair around the outside of your home. A mouse will smell the danger and likely move on. A few cats prowling around outside is a big help if you live in a place where this is practical.

One more thing to remember is that once you have mouse proofed your home you will need to get rid of what is already inside. While cheese may be the favorite bait on cartoons, peanut butter seems to work better. Whatever bait you use make certain it is attached well to the trap so the little critters can’t steal it. If you use a live trap you can’t just throw it outside the door as it may well return through an opening that you have missed.