How to Introduce Young Children to Role Playing Games

Role playing games (RPGs) inspire the imagination and allow players to temporarily escape the real world. While some RPGs deal with adult topics, the majority are enjoyable by anyone of any age. This appeal to a large range of ages makes this type of game the perfect game for the older generation to play with the younger generation. The following tips will help you introduce young children to role playing games smoothly and easily.

Starting Age – Most RPGs require you to roll some number of dice. A few games have no dice at all and it is possible to play most without rolling dice, but that is the exception, not the rule. This reliance on dice helps set a minimum age for teaching children to play. You will want to wait until children are about 6 or 7 years old. Any child being taught needs to be old enough to know how to do basic arithmetic and past the point where they put small objects in their mouth.

Basic Concept of Role Playing – Children tend to be enthusiast role players, even if they aren’t particularly proficient at it. They see the opportunity to pretend to be someone else as something they have done before while playing make believe. In fact, the best way to teach a child about this concept is to relate it to a game of make believe. Any child who has ever played cowboys and Indians should understand quickly. Understand that most young children will play juvenile characters. You need to be understanding with them and teach how them how to mature their characters through example, rather than through instruction.

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Dice Rolling – Most kids will see the grownups rolling dice and they will want to roll, too. This is fine, but be prepared for kids to want to roll for everything and expect a result from every roll. It is best to tolerate this while they are young and slowly teach the rules of the game when a situation arises where that rule is used. You will be surprised how quickly children learn what rules apply where.

Characters – The biggest hurdle with getting a child into role playing games is convincing the child that their character can’t do everything. Most kids will want to have a super powerful character or at least a character that has strange abilities. You need to walk a fine line between letting them have their way and maintaining an orderly game. The best way to do this is to let children choose their abilities and then write them all down on a character sheet. Whenever they want to use an ability or power, ask them to show you the power on the sheet. That will help them get used to having restraints on their characters.

If you follow this simple advice, you should be able to introduce any child to role playing games with a minimum of fuss. As children age, you can begin to be more rigorous with rules, but it is best to start simple. In general terms, remember that an RPG is both a game and a way to socialize. Use both concepts to emphasize important thing. For example, kids will tend to understand that it is bad to cheat in board games, so relating and RPG to a board game will help to prevent cheating. It is a delicate process, but the reward is that you will have a new player interested in a hobby you enjoy.