How to Increase Your Milk Supply Naturally for Breast Feeding

Many women suffer from low supply issues. It is more common than one might think and the #1 reason women turn to formula. You don’t have to subject your baby to artificial milk and risk the chance of weaning though. There are natural ways to increase your supply.

The first thing any mom experiencing supply problems should so is evaluate her sleeping and eating patterns. Also just being dehydrated can decrease your supply dramatically. Oftentimes one of these 3 things is what cause mom’s to lose their supply or suffer from low supply. It’s really hard to get sleep in the post partum period but it is essential to your health and your milk supply. Getting enough sleep can also ward off post partum depression as well. Your diet is also a very important factor as a breastfeeding mother needs at least 1800 calories a day to nourish herself and her baby. Often time more calories are needed too! Being busy with a new baby again can affect how much you are eating. You may not even feel hungry but you still need to ensure you are getting enough fats and calories each day.

Some easy ways to increase your supply are;

Oatmeal & barley

Eating oatmeal regularly can increase your supply. Also barley can increase your mil supply as well. Dark bear is also very effective in boosting milk supply.

Breast massage and warm compresses

Massaging the breasts increases circulation and moved blood and lymph. Some mom who have problem with achieving let down can benefit from warm compresses and breast massage. It is also beneficial in all cases for helping mom to relax. Having low supply can really stress a mother out which can in turn effect her supply even further. The compresses can be warm washcloths laid upon the breasts for 5 minutes prior to massage. they should be kept warm. Mom can cover up with a towel or blanket during the process. Next the mom can self massage her breasts before nursing. This will increase relaxation and promote letdown.

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Nurse often

This is the best advice for mom’s having supply problems. Nothing increases supply more than nursing. Before turning to formula try nursing more frequently and you will have no use for the artificial stuff!

Herbs, Tinctures & Teas

There are many herbs that promote the production of breast milk. These are called galactagogue’s. Herbs that promote milk production include; red raspberry leaf, nettles, blessed thistle, fenugreek and alfalfa. There are many mother’s milk type teas and tinctures on the the market as well if you don’t want to bother with making your own. They are very effective when taken regularly.


Pumping can help mom’s who are separated from their baby’s keep their milk supply up. It can also be used between feedings to increase supply. Nursing is more effective though so if you can nurse, by all means do it! Pumping is not always effective for all mother’s.

Using a breastfeeding supplement system

If you find you are forced to supplement your baby with formula a goof thing to try is a breastfeeding supplement system. This let’s baby drink formula at the same time as nursing. In extreme situations it still enables the breastfeeding relationship regardless of milk supply. It is a great option for mom’s not ready to give up the nursing relationship.

The most important thing to remember as a new mother is that you are doing the best you can for your baby. You will learn along the way and make mistakes too. Be sure to get a hold of your local La Leche league or a lactation consultant if you can not remedy your supply problems on your own. There are always mother’s out there willing to help!