How to Improve Estrogen Dominance Naturally

We probably hate to admit this, however hormones dominate our lives. The simple biochemistry that composes us make hormones our ruler. They are chemical messengers that conduct a large part of our body functions throughout our lives. Our hormones affect every biological system we have within us, and without them nothing will function well.

That being said, as women age and their hormone balance changes, many things change that involve estrogen dominance as our progesterone levels decrease from lack of ovulation. I have personally had a lot of the symptoms that go with estrogen dominance that include things like fibroids, night sweats, weight gain, and foggy brain. I’ve been able to improve estrogen dominance naturally and the symptoms from it. I’ve done this for myself by implementing a few healthy things into my lifestyle as well as avoiding others.

Avoid Manmade Estrogens

You can improve estrogen dominance in a number of ways by avoiding outside sources of estrogen. Choosing organic food, milk, dairy products, and meat can minimize the amount of outside manmade sources of estrogen that creep their way in from food sources if we’re not vigilant. Avoiding canned food, and plastic bottles is also helpful.

Steer clear of pesticides, herbicides and synthetic carpeting to keep your distance from the outgas of toxic chemicals that add to estrogen dominance.

Choose natural types of toiletries that come in contact with your skin. Try to clean with only natural cleaning products to avoid building a more unhealthy estrogen balance that creates estrogen dominance. In a few words, try to manage your environment to decrease estrogen from outside sources.

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Eat Cruciferous Vegetables

Personally, I’m probably better at this than avoiding outside sources of estrogen. Mostly because I can get these foods easily as someone that frequently juices. Many of the components in cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, kale, and celery have the ability to counter the xenoestrogens that seep into us from the outside sources that create estrogen dominance.

Insoluable fiber acts as an estrogen binder and will sweep out any excess estrogen through our bowels. You can get this fiber from from oats, berries, and beans, along with apples. Other estrogen binders include things like flaxseed meal, and sesame seeds.

Exercise, Herbs, Stress Management

I’ve gotten a lot of help with hot flashes from taking black cohosh, and vitex, otherwise known as chasteberry. I’ve also used progesterone cream to counter the symptoms associated with estrogen dominance.

Without exercise, I would feel awful during this perimenopausal time of my life. If I feel like the brain fog is overwhelming me, I run a couple of miles, or jump rope for 20 minutes, after which I feel revived and restored mentally.

I also find that B vitamins are paramount in helping me manage stress. Without them I find myself more irritable and short tempered. Lecithin is also great for minimizing my brain fog.

The effects of estrogen dominance don’t have to dominate you if you’re willing to maintain some lifestyle changes to improve this imbalance of hormone. I find that it’s easy to do these things because of the positive results I gain from them.

For more information on these symptoms and more you can click the link listed below.

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Sources: Personal Experience and