How to Hunt Timber Wolves

If you enjoy a good challenge and will be in Alaska or Canada soon, you might want to try to hunt timber wolves. This can be an extremely exciting hunt, and also helps to guard against livestock deaths. It is illegal to hunt timber wolves in the 48 contiguous states, but Alaska does allow it, and there is also wolf hunting in Canada. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Hire a Guide

If you’ve never hunted timber wolves before, you’ll probably want to hire a guide or sign up for a hunting trip with a guided group. There are specific baits and calls that work best with wolves, and guides are experienced with the packs and terrain in a particular area. This gives you a significant edge on your very first hunt, and can help build your confidence. You can find local guides in the Yellow Pages or by searching for them online.

Bait Overnight

In most cases, it is best to bait timber wolves overnight, then hunt in the morning at first light. This is partly for safety because hungry wolves can be dangerous even to full-grown men and women, but also because it gives you a chance to see how many wolves are nearby without traipsing through the woods at night. Your guide will be able to tell from the bait that is left more than you realize about the pack.

Wear Appropriate Gear

The most popular time to hunt timber wolves is during the winter and early spring, from January until March or April. Because of this, you should expect (and dress for) inclement weather. Strong, sturdy, slip-resistant boots with leak protection are ideal, and you’ll need thermal underwear along with a heavy, fleece-lined jacket. Gloves are also important, and the type with the peel-away fingers are ideal.

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Learn to Call

If you don’t know how to call when you hunt timber wolves, your guide will help you, and you can learn from more experienced hunters. The most effective call in my experience is that of a dying deer, but howls are sometimes effective and so are squealing rabbit calls. It all depends on the local wildlife, the age of the pack, and the area in which you are hunting. Talk to your guide about any decoys or calls you should bring on the trip.

Don’t Cut Alone

If you’ve never skinned a wolf, don’t do it without your guide. You might be successful when you hunt timber wolves for the first time, but that doesn’t make you an expert. Your guide or another experienced hunter can show you how to prepare the hide, and you should know that salting is of utmost importance with this type of game. As you gain more experience, you can start to do these things by yourself. Until then, ask a professional.

You’ll find that when you hunt timber wolves, you gain some respect for the predatory animal and the environment in which he lives. Listen to your guide about safety precautions, and never venture out into unknown woods by yourself. A GPS navigational system is great for this type of hunting; that way, you won’t get lost as easily.