How to Hunt Feral Hogs

Feral hogs are one of the meanest types of game animals you’ll ever decide to hunt, especially since they are both bold and strong. Many a hunter has been seriously wounded by feral hogs who are angry in the wild, and many of these attacks have been after the hog was shot by the hunter. If you’re going to hunt feral hogs, follow these tips to stay safe and bring home some good meat.

Hunt with a Rifle

Although bowhunting tends to be called a “man’s sport”, it is far safer to hunt feral hogs with a rifle. You’ll have better accuracy from longer distances, which helps you observe your prey from safety, and a bullet wound will cause more damage and increase the odds of killing it with one shot. Some feral hogs will lay dormant for several minutes after being shot with a non-fatal bullet or bow, then attack when the hunter approaches. Avoid this if possible.

Hide in a Box Blind

The best way to hunt feral hogs is from a box blind. It gives you maximum visibility from a spot close to the ground, and also allows you to blend with your surroundings. An established box blind that has been sitting for several seasons is best because the hogs won’t question its existence, and you might get an animal within ten yards of your blind if you wait long enough. This also gives you an opportunity to choose a hog from its herd.

Use Pheromones

You can purchase sow-in-heat pheromones from your local outfitter or online, and this is one of the most proven ways to attract feral hogs. Boars will be drawn to the scent of a potential female, and you’ll also be sure to get a larger hog that has beaten out the rest of its herd for the best females. Sponges are a great way to keep pheromones nearby without losing the scent after a few hours; just douse the sponge and set it upwind of the hogs.

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Encourage Breeding

If you own the property on which you will be hunting feral hogs, you can create your own game by encouraging the sows to breed and prepare for their young. Piles of tree limbs and leaves set several yards apart will give sows the room they need to deliver and raise their young, which you can hunt after they have matured. Just make sure the nests aren’t too close together, or sows won’t feel safe from other animals.

Castrate Boars

For people who wish to hunt feral hogs for the meat, you can increase the size of your boars by castrating them at a young age. Simply trap them and have your local veterinarian perform the surgery, which takes only an hour or so and doesn’t usually cause any bad effects. The boards will grow much bigger now that they aren’t fighting over the sows, and you’ll have more of a selection when they are mature enough to hunt.

Provide Food

Again, if you want to hunt feral hogs for their meat, you’ll want to provide them with sufficient food to grow big and strong. Hogs are generally adept at feeding themselves, but if you set out food that is nutritious, they will prefer food that is readily available. This ensures a healthier, fatter group of hogs for next hunting season.