How to Hook Live Worms for Fishing


The answer to this question seems simple enough, right? I mean putting a worm onto a hook or hooking live worms for fishing isn’t brain surgery, it’s just putting bait onto a hook. While this is obviously true if you want to catch more fish and hook live worms for fishing in the most effective way possible there are certain simple rules that should be adhered to.

In this quick article I will outline these simple rules, rules that have been learned through more than 50 years of combined experience using live worms for fishing. These ideas were introduced to me by my fishing mentor, a man who used live worms for catching fish for many years, more than twenty years ago and I have been using them ever since. The bottom line is that if you want to know how to hook live worms for fishing this article will show you.

The rules are being listed in no particular order and should all be added to your fishing repertoire.

  1. Always Use Small Hooks – Many fishermen make the mistake of using fishing hooks that are entirely too large when using live worms for fishing and end up hooking the worm over and over again creating what I like to call a worm ball. This is not at all effective, especially for larger and more experienced fish. When using worms for fishing the focus of the offering should be the worm and not the hook, which in why small hooks are a must when using worms for fishing. Hooks that are size 6, 8, or 10 (or even smaller) are ideal for fishing with live worms and any hooks larger than size 6 should be avoided.
  2. Hook The Worm In A Natural Manner – When using a live worm for fishing the worm should appear as much as possible like it does naturally. If large worms such as night crawlers are being employed this probably means that the worm should be pinched in half to that it appears as natural as possible, and not have too much of the worm “hanging” off of the hook. In order to hook live worms in the most natural way possible a set of gang hooks should be used. Gang hooks have two small fishing hooks tied in tandem which is perfect for fishing with live worms and hooking them in a natural manner.
  3. Use Light Line – Many anglers tend to use fishing line that much too heavy when using worms for fishing. Many fish have excellent eyesight and can see the fishing line in the water. If the fish you are attempting to catch can see your line they are less apt to bite. Again, you want the focus of your offering to be the worm itself, nothing else. This is why using light line is very important when using worms for fishing.
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Now you know the tips for how to hook worms for fishing. Employ these simple tips and start catching more and bigger fish of all kinds.
