How to Help a Child Write a Personalized Mother’s Day Poem

One of the best Mother’s Day presents a mom can receive is a gift from the heart. What better way to give a gift from the heart than to write a lovely and personalized Mother’s Day poem. If you are an educator, a sibling, a parent or a grandparent, you can help a child write a personalized Mother’s Day poem. I will show you how fun and easy it is to write Mother’s Day poems.

How to Help a Child Write a Personalized Mother’s Day Poem

There are some minimal supplies you will need to help a child write a personalized Mother’s Day poem.

First you will need a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Or this can be done directly on a computer.

Next, you will need to have a nice piece of paper for the final draft. of the personalized Mother’s Day poem. The Mother’s Day poem can be on flowered printer paper, or some pretty stationary, inside a homemade greeting card, or even a piece of handmade, antiqued paper. This can be set aside until you the end of the process.

Gathering the Information for Mother’s Day Poems

One approach to helping a child write a personalized Mother’s Day poem is to use an interview process with the child. This will work best for one-on-one situations, or kids in classrooms can team up and help each other.

The interview process will help the child brainstorm concepts for the personalized Mother’s Day poem without having to worry about writing words and keeping track of ideas. This is where you, or the team mate will help the child with writing the personalized Mother’s Day poem. This interview process is also recommended for young preschoolers who may not be adept at writing yet.

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For each of these interview questions, write down the answers as they come out. This is a verbal brainstorming session to help with the writing of the personalized Mother’s Day poem, and all the words count.

Here are some interview questions to help a child write a personalized Mother’s Day poem.

1. What do you call your mom? It could be mommy or mama, or maybe it’s something more unique.
2. What color are your mom’s eyes?
3. What does your mom smell like? (perfume? grilled cheese? baby powder?)
4. What nickname does your mom have for you?
5. What is your mom’s favorite flower?
6. What do you like to do best with your mom?
7. What is your mom’s favorite thing to do?
8. What do you like best about your mom?
9. What does your mom do for you every morning/night?
10. What do you do that your mom doesn’t like?

Write down the answers, and anything else that comes out in the interview process. All of these words and phrases could find their way into the personalized Mother’s Day poem.

Written Brainstorming

Older children can answer these questions on their own when handed a piece of paper. In the classroom, type them up and hand them out or write them on a blackboard.

How to Help a Child Write a Personalized Mother’s Day Poem

Writing the Poem

A personalized Mother’s Day poem can be as simple as a “Mom you are” poem or more elaborate with ebbs and flows of emotion.

Rhyming Poems

Mother’s Day poems do not have to rhyme, unless the child wants to make the personalized Mother’s Day card rhyme. This can help add some humor to the poem, when a child makes some fun rhymes.

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For rhyming poems, brainstorm with the child to find words which rhyme with the words in the answers to the questions.

For example, if mom has blue eyes, make a list of words you, do, coo, chew, grew, etc. Use a rhyming dictionary or an online resource for help if you need it.

A simple “Mom You Are” poem could use the information gathered above to create a personalized poem for Mother’s Day.

Here’s an example which combines rhyming with a “Mom You Are” Mother’s Day poem:

“Mom You Are…” Personalized Mother’s Day Poem

Mom you are as pretty as an Iris
with your eyes of blue
When you call be cuddle monkey
it makes me love you

Loving Me Personalized Mother’s Day Poem

Another approach, for older children is to use the “you love me even when I am naughty approach.” Use an answer from number 10 above and incorporate that into the poem

Mom you are the queen of moms
because even when I don’t always listen
you love me like the heavens

Repeated Phrase in the Personalized Mother’s Day Poem

Using the above as an example, another approach is to repeat one important phrase throughout the poem for emphasis.

Mom you are the queen of moms
because you always make me my favorite lunch

Mom you are the queen of moms
because your hugs smell nice….

Encourage a child to be free with their words and let them flow out, without restricting their poem’s structure or rhythm. Let the child make any changes to the Mother’s Day poem, correct spelling and then move to the final draft.

How to Help a Child Write a Personalized Mother’s Day Poem: Final Product

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The final draft of the personalized Mother’s Day poem will be neatly written on special paper. Or type it up to make it even neater, although it may feel less personal.

Draw any flowers or pictures on the personalized Mother’s Day poem paper and sign it.

Those are just some of the ways to help a child write a personalized Mother’s Day poem.