How to Heal from Irritable Bowel Disorder with Proper Nutrition and Simple Herbs

Did you realize that 1 in 5 people in the U.S. experience some kind of irritable bowel disorder? Many are debilitated by this painful condition. This article will help you learn how others have helped heal IBS with proper nutrition and natural herbs and supplements.


*I can’t stress enough the importance of including green foods in a healing regime. Fruits ‘n Greens is a powerful green drink product that provides green foods and probiotics. It detoxifies, helps alkalize, neutralizes acids, oxygenates, adds trace minerals, amino acids, and iron, and so much more. Mix in pure water. It tastes good, not chalky. If you don’t like green drinks, take a Chlorella algae capsule supplement and be sure to include sea vegetables in your diet such as arame or hijiki.

*Avoid Aspirin. Take natural pain supplements or non-aspirin pain relievers.

*Avoid antacids! Antacids can neutralize stomach acid – then how will your food be thoroughly digested?? Green drinks work well to neutralize acids. You may need to incorporate enzymes to assist in digestion.

*Diarrhea: Limit or eliminate foods that may make diarrhea worse. These include caffeine, alcohol, fatty foods, vinegar, gas-producing foods (such as beans, cabbage, and broccoli), and artificial sweeteners like Sorbitol, often used in sugarless gum and sugarless candy.

*Alkalize your system! Degenerative diseases live and proliferate in an acidic environment. Lower your intake of acidic foods during illness and incorporate alkaline foods and supplements! It takes 3-4 months to alkalize your body if you are acidic. The best way to alkalize is not necessarily through supplements, but by eating green leafy vegetables and by drinking green drinks, like Fruits ‘n Greens (tasty).

*Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Don’t overload with large meals. Go easy on the roughage.

*Watch your sodium intake if you’re prone to constipation.

*Eat small amounts of typical problem foods. Once you start feeling better, you’ll be tempted to eat a whole serving of some food that has caused a problem in the past. Don’t do it! If you want to experiment, try a very small amount of that food.

*When you are symptomatic, avoid large amounts of raw foods. Eat steamed vegetables versus raw ones. When you eat raw foods, chew until they are pasty or liquid in your mouth.

*Make a habit of always thoroughly chewing carbohydrate foods until they are pasty or liquid. Mixing saliva with your food begins the digestion of carbohydrates. Take smaller bites if this helps.

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*Avoid sugary foods and beverages. Sugar lowers immune response. Sugar also creates an acidic environment. Don’t erase all the hard work you’ve done to alkalize your system by eating sugar. It’s very hard to avoid, but if you do eat sugar, eat an alkalizing food or take an alkaline nutrient such as calcium.

*Make sure you get adequate calories.

*Try to eat in a peaceful way. Don’t overeat, eat in a hurry, or while upset.

*Don’t eat before going to bed. If you must, eat keep it light and have easily digestible food.

*Eat a bland diet when you’re having symptoms.

*I recommend you avoid beans altogether. Even mashed beans can create painful problems. If you must eat beans, mash or puree well and sample them in very small amounts. ALWAYS chew beans so they are thoroughly mixed with saliva.

*Increase Fiber intake to 20 to 45 grams per day. When you add fiber – you MUST add water. Fiber alone will leach water from your system and can create constipation if you don’t drink enough water.

*Take Probiotics or Acidophilus powder, tablets or capsules to maintain healthy flora in your intestine and vagina if not taken in Fruits ‘n Greens.

*Don’t eat before going to bed.

*Check your home and job for exposure to potentially toxic substances. Check for gas leaks and chemicals that might be harmful in water if needed.

*Wear loose fitting clothing – nothing tight around the waist

*Get plenty of rest.

*Avoid toxic chemicals such as paint, pesticides, herbicides, fuels or solvents.

*Try to avoid stressful situations.

Eliminate Food Allergies:

Doctors find that some IBS patients have additional symptoms that are caused by food allergies. Allergies to wheat, corn, rye, oats, eggs, cheese, and barley are common. Other patients with milk allergies and lactose intolerance may experience a severe response to these foods. Although the existence of systemic yeast or “yeast syndrome” remains controversial in the medical community, a number of IBS patients report success with a yeast-free diet that eliminates yeast, sugar, cheeses, molds, alcohol and fermented foods. If you suspect that allergies play a role in your IC symptoms, you should consult a doctor or nutritionist who specializes in food and environmental allergies.

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Yeast Sensitivity? Try this book: The Yeast Connection – An in-depth guide to health problems that can be traced to sensitivity to the yeast germ Candida Albicans.

Eliminate From Your Diet:
Cola and carbonated beverages
Artificial sweeteners
High fat foods
Deep fried foods

AVOID / EAT WITH CAUTION IN SMALL AMOUNTS / EAT LESS FREQUENTLY THE FOLLOWING FOODS (Be aware that some can irritate the GI tract and most make the system acidic):

Dietary factors that can exacerbate the symptoms of IBS include lactose, fructose (such as in cola drinks), red meats, foods or beverages rich in sorbitol or sucrose and cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, brussels sprouts). Avoid garlic, onions, leeks. Avoid acidic and acid-forming foods such as cooked tomatoes, fermented foods, aged cheese, sour cream, chocolate, wine, soy sauce, smoked meat, pickled anything, beans that cause gas, aged, canned, cured, processed or smoked meats and fish, anchovies, corned beef, and meats which contain nitrates or nitrites, rye and sourdough breads, most nuts, tea, and citrus. Anything with vinegar, such as mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, salsa, spicy foods, soy sauce, miso, salad dressing and vinegar, including balsamic and flavored vinegars, preservatives such as benzol alcohol, citric acid, monosodium glutamate (MSG), artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (Nutrasweet®) and saccharine, foods containing preservatives and artificial ingredients and colors, tobacco, caffeine, diet pills, junk foods, acidic vitamins, saturated fats, refined sugar. Some find success by avoiding yeast and baked breads. Fructose, a fruit sugar contained in apple and grape juice in high amounts can cause bloating. Some report feeling better when eliminating certain citrus foods.

Don’t get too discouraged about dietary limitations. Once you start feeling better, you will be glad you eliminated problem items. Be aware that every food on the above list won’t cause distress to everyone. Once your symptoms are under control, you may be able to incorporate some foods one at a time. Keep track of those foods that cause distress so that you can avoid them in the future. Remember, it takes time for the body to come into balance.

Incorporate In Your Diet:

*6-8 glasses of filtered or spring water per day.

*GINGER in the form of tea, tincture, and fresh herb, simmered.

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*Herbal teas such as Peppermint, Chamomile, and Spearmint (can calm symptoms). Mai-Green tea helps support the immune system and detoxify.

*Sea greens, such as algae, kelp, and seaweeds (alkalize, detoxify, re-mineralize).


*Fresh Peppermint and Spearmint leaf.

*If you are not allergic or sensitive to lactose, you may try some plain, organic yogurt or kephir flavored with organic Vanilla and sweetened with Stevia herb.

*Green salads with flax or very good quality extra virgin olive oil. A few people report symptoms with olive oil.

*Fresh vegetable juices such as carrot.

*Oatmeal, basmati white rice, millet, quinoa as tolerated.

*You may include some chicken, green vegetables, soup, a nice potassium rich organic vegetable broth.

*Try some Anise herb in food or in a tea, it’s a digestive aid.

*Try incorporating Dill herb in food, it’s a digestive aid, helps relax the smooth muscle in the digestive tract, and can prevent gas.


Essential Oil of Peppermint, found in your health food store, has been enormously helpful to many people. It can prevent problems and even completely remove the pain of a flair if you have eaten the wrong thing. Use one drop of Peppermint oil in half a glass of cool water or chamomile tea. Swish it around in the glass then drink it down immediately without inhaling the aromatic fumes.

If there is severe IBS, some people find peppermint too strong, but it works wonders for others. You should carry it with you always. If you think you’ve eaten the wrong thing, take the oil. You won’t regret it. In the least, it refreshes the breath!

Sources and Helpful Books:
1. Eating for IBS, by Heather VonVorous
2. The First Year – IBS, by Heather VonVorous
3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome & the Mind-Body/Brain-Gut Connection, by Dr. William B. Salt, III
4. Relief From IBS, by E. Shimberg
5. The Yeast Connection, by William G. Crook
6. The Yeast Connection Cookbook, by William G. Crook