How to Grow Healthy Tomato Plants

Have you ever tried growing tomato plants before? Maybe you just want a new hobby? Growing productive tomato plants can be a rewarding experience for you. In this article, I will discuss how you too can grow productive tomato plants.

First off, are you going to start with a seed or a small tomato plant? If you choose to start with a seed, then you will have to germinate it in warm moist soil. You can buy a miniature green house for this process, depending on how many tomato plants you would like to cultivate. If you want to save some money, then I recommend just buying small tomato plants. This way, you will not have to buy a miniature green house or any cups to grow the tomato plants in. All you have to do is transplant the tomato plants in your chosen location.

The next step is to ensure that the soil is fertile. If you’re planting your tomato plants in some soil in the backyard, you’ll want to make certain that it is the correct type of soil for your tomato plants. If you need to improve the soil, you can dig it out or mix it with some store bought soil. And don’t forget about water. Keep an eye on your tomato plants and water them whenever they look dry.

After determining that your soil is fertile enough, make sure that the temperature is not too cold. If it freezes, you can kiss your tomato plants goodbye. And then you’ll have to pull the tomato plants out of the soil, and replace them with new ones. Also, ensure that there is enough light for your tomato plants; in my experience, they seem to enjoy partial shade to full sun.

See also  How to Start Tomato Plants from Seed

After a while your tomato plants may become too big, and they may start to bend over. At this point, you’ll need to put a trellis around your tomato plants. This will keep them from falling over on their sides. When the tomato plants start producing fruit, you will not want it to be touching the ground. If the fruit does touch the ground, it will become more susceptible to rotting or being eaten by various insects.

As for dealing with these pests(and you will have to deal with them) you have a few options. You can elect to use pesticides, or you can try man made tricks. One trick that I used for dealing with ants and other insects was a miniature black wall. It was made of plastic, it was about six inches high, and you would place it all around your tomato plants. Since the wall was too slick for the ants to climb over, the tomato plants were fairly safe. At least from ants and other insects.

Unfortunately, insects will not be your only problem. Birds, deer, gophers; etc will all be after your tomatoes. For the deer you can build a small fence around your tomato plants, or perhaps an electric wire around them would help. For the birds, you could use some type of scarecrow to ward them away. As for the gophers, you can try smoking them out, poisoning them, shooting them, or having your dog try and dig them up. More often then not, though, your dog will end up accidentally destroying your tomato plants. I know this from first hand experience.

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Finally when your tomato plants start to produce fruit, prune them. You do this by picking off the small new shoots that grow between the major stems of the tomato plants. This causes the tomato plants to focus more on producing fruit, then on new growth.

Growing your own tomato plants can be a rewarding hobby. Once mastered, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor for years to come.
