How to Grow an Umbrella Tree – Schefflera

When looking for an nice, easy-care tree to grow indoors, consider the schefflera, better known as the umbrella tree. The umbrella tree is thusly called due to the deep green leaf groups that radiate out from the trunk on long slender stalks that resemble the ribs of an umbrella.

Place The Umbrella Tree In Indirect Light

The umbrella tree will grow best when placed in indirect light from a shaded window. The schefflera will not tolerate direct sunlight, but usually it will adapt to a shaded location. If the umbrella tree begins to drop it’s leaves or leans towards the light source, the tree is not getting enough light and should be moved closer to the window.

Umbrella Trees Love Moisture

Water an umbrella tree liberally from spring through fall. Cut back on the watering frequency during the winter months. Saturate the soil thoroughly with each watering and allow the soil to become slightly dry before watering again. Place the tree’s planter in a tray of pebbles to catch the water drainage and to be re-absorbed by the umbrella tree as needed.

The schefflera enjoys humidity and responds well to a daily water misting using warm water in the mister. A daily misting is essential for tree health when the umbrella tree is in a room that has forced air heat. The forced air heat during the winter will evaporate all the humidity from the air and dry the umbrella tree out.

Once per month, add a few drops of dish soap to the misting water to prevent spider mites infestation and to clean the tree’s leaves. Wipe the leaves of the umbrella tree with a damp cloth to remove dust that can clog the leaf pores and suffocate the tree after the soapy water misting.

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Scheffleras Like Cool Temperatures

The optimum temperature for growing a healthy and long-living umbrella tree is between 55-70 degrees F. In a room that is consistently above 70 degrees F and the tree will dry out quickly.

Pruning And Re-Potting

An umbrella tree can be pruned as needed to keep it shapely and at the desired height. After pruning, the schefflera will take a growth spurt and produce new growth.

When re-potting an umbrella tree into a larger container, place a layer of gravel in the bottom of the container to ensure the tree will have good drainage. Then fill the new planting container with equal parts of sand, peat moss and garden soil, mixing the planting ingredients thoroughly.
