How to Grow a Palm Tree Indoors: Potted Dypsis Lutescens

Most people love warm weather, lying in the sun and walking on the beach, yet a lot of those people are unable to live near the beach in a tropical area. There are simple ways for people to bring some of the things they love about the tropics into their homes, no matter where they live. When people thing about areas with tropical or just very warm climates they often think about palm trees. There is one type of tropical tree that will grow very well as a houseplant, and doing so can be a very easy way to bring something to a person’s home that will remind them of a tropical location. Dypsis lutescens can be easily raised and maintained when potted.

To pot these plants it is important to use a huge pot and potting soil. The pot will need to be large because as the trees grow their root systems will expand rapidly. The potting soil is very important so that there are a lot of nutrients in the soil so that the trees can continue to grow and stay healthy. The trees need to be placed when they will be exposed to fairly constant temperatures and where they will receive large amounts of sunlight. The pots should be turned every couple of weeks so that all parts of the plant can get sunlight.

The trees should not be watered everyday but should be watered once a week or a person should wait until the soil becomes very dry before watering them again. The trees will also do better if they are watered excessively when they are watered so that the water will soak deeply into the soil in the pot. If the Dypsis lutescens are sometimes watered using room temperature coffee then the trees will also flourish. Wet coffee grounds that have been used to make coffee can also be poured on top of the pots to add nutrients back into the soil. Also store brand fertilizer can be added to the pots yearly to make sure that the plants remain healthy. Additionally, when dead leaves fall off the trees or which a person pulls of the plant should be put in the pot with the soil so that they replenish the soil, hold moisture in the soil and maintain coverage over the roots as the soil in the pot settles.

See also  Gardening 101: How to Trim Palm Trees

When the plants get to be taller than a person would like they can simply be cut of and the top covered with tar that can be found in home improvement stores for covering holes in trees. The part that is cut off can then be placed in the soil so that the cut off part is covered by soil and it will start to form roots and grow into another tree. Any pieces that fall off of the trees can also be placed in the soil and will grow into trees as well as long as the piece has a part of the stem and not just leaves.