How to Glaze a Window

Learning how to glaze a window is not that hard. We will take a look in this article on how to glaze a window. The older windows in a house may not need to be replaced, the window glazing compound breaks down and needs to be replaced not the whole window. When the glazing in a window breaks down air can get by the glass causing drafts and heat to escape from the home. When window glazing is exposed to sun and elements it dries out and cracks apart. This break down can also cause the window pane to become unsecured with in the window frame.

Now, let’s go with the fact that you have a older wood window with wood frames or sash. When these windows are are exposed to the outside elements the glazing or caulking as many people call it, breaks down and needs to be replaced. Older window glazing can be removed with a putty knife or even a flat screw driver. You need to be careful to not break the glass in the widow when removing the glazing, the widow glass and cause you harm if you are not careful. Normally as you pry up on the glazing compound it comes out really easy. Just take these pieces of old glazing and throw them away. Now, that you have removed all of the old widow glazing you can wipe the sash or window frame with a rag. You will see little pieces of metal in the frame and on the glass. Make sure you do not remove these metal pieces.

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You now will also want to inspect the window to make sure the glass is not cracked or need replacement at this time. You might also want to add some more of the metal stay pieces to make sure the glass pane is secure in the frame. Once you are done with checking the window you can move forward with applying the new glazing compound to your window.

The glazing compound can be found at any of the big box hardware stores in your area. You take the glazing and roll it between your hands. The compound should be about a 1/4 inch bead. You will now take the compound and apply it to the sash and window. The glazing should be even along the window frame. The putty knife you might have used to take out the old glazing will be used to install the new glazing at this point. Take the putty knife and create a downward angle from the glass to the wood frame or sash. You are creating a triangle out of the glazing by doing this. You want to make sure the glazing is even all the way around the window.

Well there you have it, you have now glazed your window. Also, when windows need glazing they normally also need to be scraped and painted, you should do this all at once. When doing this project all at once you won’t have to work on the windows again that soon.

Remember, safety first with all home projects.