How to Get Stains Out of White Shirts

White shirts seem to attract stains and when a stain gets on a white shirt, there is no hiding it. White shirts are also one of the most difficult to keep clean and fresh looking. I think there is nothing more that can drag a wonderful outfit or suit down than a stained and dingy looking white shirt.

Keeping a white shirt free of stains can be a challenge but if you maintain the removal of stains quickly and efficiently, a white shirt should hold up its brightness and crispness through multiple times of wearing the shirt.

Here you will find 5 solutions for removing stains out of white shirts, some are solutions that can most likely be found in your kitchen and some are solutions that will need to be purchased at the store.

Stain Removal Solution #1: Dishwashing Soap

One of the best household items I have found to remove stains from my white shirts and any of my shirts for that matter is dishwashing soap. Simply by using a damp rag and a few drops of dishwashing soap and rubbing gently on the stained area helps to remove the stain quickly.

Stain Removal Solution #2: Q-Tip with Bleach

Q-Tips saturated with bleach work really well with small stains on white shirts, dabbing and gently rubbing the stained area with the bleach saturated Q-Tip helps to remove the stain fairly quickly. I always try to wash my white shirt as soon as possible as the bleach can turn the stained area a slight yellow color if the bleach is left on too long.

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Stain Removal Solution #3: Laundry Stain Remover Wipes

The little laundry stain remover wipes that can be carried in a purse or wallet have been a life saver for me. The faster you catch a stain the better so having the wipes close by has been great for removing a stain on a white shirt quickly. There are multiple name brands of the laundry stain remover wipes, I have found most of the brands to be comparable and they can be purchased at the grocery stores, large discount stores or any number of places where laundry related items are sold.

Stain Removal Solution #4: Liquid Correction Fluid

I know this one sounds odd but I have used liquid correction fluid (liquid correction used for writing and typing mistakes) when I was in desperate situations and needed the stain removed fast. It is not my first choice in stain removal products but it does work well if there is no cleaning option. Applying the liquid correction fluid to fabric takes some practice because the stain is covered better if you gently dab at it with the white out. Thin multiple layers that are allowed to soak into the fabric work better than one thick coat of liquid correction fluid.

Stain Removal Solution #5: Baking Soda

Baking soda is a great option to remove stains from white shirts especially it you want to try a very low cost option and one without harsh chemicals. In a dish, mix a solution of baking soda and water so that it is the consistency of a thick paste and then rub the paste into the stain to allow the mixture to soak in for a bit. Gently rub at the stain with a damp rag and repeat the process if necessary. Also, wash your white shirt in the wash as usual but add a little a little bleach to the cycle.

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There are multiple solutions for removing stains from white shirts depending on the type of stain you have on the shirt. The key to removing a stain from a white shirt is trying to remove it as soon as it happens.