How to Get Rid of the Clutter of Used Books and Make a Small Profit

Have a clutter of used books that are no longer appealing? There are a number of ways to get rid of those used books and make a small profit. Here are a few ideas on how to clear the clutter and still come out on top.

Get Rid of Used Books #1 – Sell Books to Half Price Bookstore

Half Price Bookstore is one of the most popular venues to sell back any type of used book for profit. Half Prices Bookstore will normally accept any fiction, non-fiction, children’s, paperback or hardcover used book in reasonable condition. All you have to do is gather up your used books and bring them to your local Half Price Store. The representative will take an inventory of your books and decide on a fair offer. Half Price Bookstore determines the value of the books by resale value, demand and number of titles currently in the store; so do not be discouraged by your final offer. Half Price books is a good place to earn a decent profit on used books that probably would have went straight to the curb.

Get Rid of Used Books #2 – Sell Books on Consignment

There are a number of used bookstores that accept books on consignment however these bookstores are pretty particular about the selection of books accepted. Consignment used books stores usually are genre related and will only hold a certain number of titles in stock so hard to find, special editions and collectors items will due very well at a used book consignment store. Once your titles are accepted, the used book consignment store representative will draw up a contract stating the selling price of the item, the percentage earned if sold and duration of contract. Because of the unique selection in various used book consignment stores, a decent profit can be made from rare and out-of – print used books.

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Get Rid of Used Books #3 – Sell Books Online

Selling used books online is another popular way that people are making a decent profit on their collection of used books. Ebay and Amazon are the hottest websites for used booksellers and are continuing to make strives in the e-commerce industry. In order to sell on Ebay, you must have an account set up. Ebay charges a fee for each listing as well as an additional nominal fee once sold. The good thing about Ebay is that it has enormous market exposure and global connections so a buyer for your book can come from virtually anywhere. Amazon also requires an account set up and charges a fee for each listing as well as when the item is sold. Unfortunately, Amazon’s fees are pretty steep so make sure to do your research before signing up with Amazon. However, Amazon is known for it bestsellers collections and extensive title selections so a true book lover will probably look to Amazon first.

Get Rid of Used Books #4 – Donate Books

Donating used books to your local library, Goodwill Store or charitable organization may be more of a giving of the heart instead of a profitable gain, but you are able to deduct charitable donations on your taxes that could benefit your individual situation. Check out your local library for donation times or bins or call your local Goodwill Store for more details

Whatever your choice in getting rid of your used book collection, a small profit can be made and will also leave room for additional new books.

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