How to Get Rid of Moths

Are there a ton of moths around your house? Have the moths been eating holes in your fabrics? These creatures are not dangerous at all, they are actually very similar to butterflies, but they can cause damage to your house. They eat fabric and can consume holes through your belongings. Here are some ways to get rid of moths…


Lavender is known to be something that moths do not like. This works as a great moth repellent. The moths won’t go near this smell. You can put lavender near clothing or spray some lavender oil on things, such as outdoor materials. This is a good method because it smells wonderful.


Cloves are a very common household spice that is used in many foods. Cloves are also a great moth repellent. This spice smells nice and can be put into homemade sachets or cloth bags, then placed into closets or anywhere that has moths.


Cedar is also a very good moth repellent. You have choices with this smell; you can buy wood, oils, or wood chips. You can then place these wherever you are seeing moths. You can also put the wood chips or cotton balls soaked in the oil into a sachet and place them in drawers or closets.


Mothballs are a very effective way of getting rid of moths, but they are not safe for humans or pets. You must exercise caution when using this product. You shouldn’t try to repel moths with mothballs inside of your house. You can use mothballs outside, but only put them in areas that your pets or children will not be going into.

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Cinnamon sticks are hated by moths, but smell absolutely wonderful to humans. Cinnamon sticks are used in many recipes and is a very common smell. You can place cinnamon sticks in areas where moths have been seen or you can soak cotton balls in cinnamon oil and place them into sachets.


Eucalyptus is a great repellent for moths, but it also works well for many other types of insects and mosquitoes. You can place these leaves in a sachet or basket and place them in areas that you commonly see moths, or you can put these outside where you see moths also. Moths hate these leaves and will stay away from them.