How to Get Rid of Moles from Your Lawn

Whether you are a gardening enthusiast or a homeowner who “potters” occasionally, you may have encountered the dreaded mole!
These creatures can wreak havoc to your lawn or garden esthetically. Tunnels and dirt mounds are more than just an eyesore to the homeowner, but a threat to vegetation and plants!
While several methods have been proven to be effective in eradicating moles from your lawn or garden, many more are still questionable but worth attempting. Following are ten tools you can us in removing moles from your property…

Starve Them
The reason why moles love to ruin your beautiful garden/lawn is because there are lots of food sources available for them! Eliminating their food source in turn removes their dependency on YOUR vegetation. Generally, lawn moles eat larvae from insects and grubs, therefore using insecticide to banish insects from your lawn will act as a deterrent. If they don’t have something to eat then they will surely leave your garden!

Use Poison
This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of moles from your lawn. Use poisonous meat or Castor Bean near their nest (Castor Bean works well), moles will then eat it and soon die. But be careful when using it; keep it away from your children or pets to avoid accidental ingestion!

Buy Mole Repellent Products
If you want an instant way to get rid of moles from your lawn, buying a mole repellent product seems like a good idea. You can purchase these products at your local gardening store.

See also  Homemade Remedies to Get Rid of Pesky Moles

Use Pepper
Less caustic than our previous suggestions and readily available, pepper (both black and cayenne pepper) has been used for a long time in preventing moles from entering your lawn/garden. You just have to simply place the pepper in their tunnel. It will make them disappear within several days.

Use Moth Balls
By using moth balls in their tunnel, it will make their environment a hell. This method can also improve the overall appearance of your lawn.

Use Your Own Urine Or Droppings
Okay, we know it sounds strange, but defecating or urinating on their nest will surely piss them off! Use this extreme method if you are really frustrated in fighting those moles. If this method is not extreme enough for you, you always welcome to use any predator dropping such as those of a cat or even a tiger.

Use Your Cat
They didn’t made Tom and Jerry movie for no reason. In real life, cat and moles have always been natural enemies. Don’t believe what you see in that movie where cats are dumb enough to be fooled my moles, in the real life cats eats mice or moles for breakfast. Use them as a tool against these critters.

Use Coffee
Moles hate coffee! They think that the taste and the aroma of coffee are both filthy and disgusting. Sorry Starbucks!

Trap Them
Using a mouse trap is an effective way to catch moles. You can use cheese or butter as bait while covering your trap with dirt or rubbish so moles will not find it “suspicious”. Make sure you put your mouse trap out of the reach of children!

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Use Victor Mole Traps
This is probably the best solution so far. You should purchase two or three Victor mole traps. This is a tried and true “mole killing machine”, killing them instantly.
The trick when you use this trap is to use multiple traps, spread widely across your lawn. One trap will not suffice in catching and ridding yourself of these damaging moles, whereas many work quite successfully.
Keep in mind that all of the tips given are merely suggestions. The result may vary depending on how serious your problem is, and how dedicated you are to becoming “Mole Hunter of the Year.
Please be sure to read all instructions on your products and always use safety precautions when attempting any of the offerings above.

Happy Mole Hunting!