How to Get Rid of Migraine and Sinus Headaches

If you suffer from headaches, you know how painful and debilitating they can feel. Luckily, there are many ways to naturally and chemically reduce your headaches so that you can get on with your daily life. Some people suffer from sinus headaches, which are due to congestion and pressure in the sinuses, small holes deep inside our heads. Migraine headaches don’t have such a clear cause, but can be even more painful, with sensitivity to light, nausea, and spotted vision. Whatever kind of headache you suffer from, and especially if you suffer from both types, you should know these tried-and-true methods to combat serious sinus and migraine headaches:

Say Hello to the H20
Plenty of water is good for booth sinus and migraine headaches. Sinus headaches are caused by pressure and mucus, and drinking plenty of water thins out that thick, gross stuff you’ve been trying to clear out of your nose, reducing pressure on your head and removing the cause of your headache all together. Migraines are sometimes caused by dehydration, so if you have this kind of migraine and drink a few glasses of water, you’ll be feeling better soon.

Make Like a Zombie and Stay Away from the Light
Light sensitivity can be a symptom of both sinus and migraine headaches, and to reduce tension you should get out of direct bright light whenever you feel any headache coming on. This will give your eyes a chance to relax, and gradually the muscles in your eyes will loosen up, and some of your pain will go away.

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Have a Snack and a Cup of Hot Tea
For migraines especially, it’s important to eat right and never let yourself starve. Migraines can be a response to a lack of protein, so have a sandwich or a glass of milk when you feel a migraine coming. Tea is good for both migraine and sinus headaches, as the caffeine and hot temperatures help give you a boost and clear out your head.

Give Yourself a Break and Take a Nap
Simply taking a much-needed rest can make any kind of headache you experience lessen or even disappear. Also, if you get good sleep during the night, you’ll reduce stress, which will in turn reduce headaches and other ailments as well.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help
If you’re having recurring sinus or migraine headaches, don’t hesitate to check out some over-the-counter medicines. Excedrin for migraines coupled with Sudafed for sinus pressure is one great combination, but make sure you read all labels and try different meds out to find the best one for you.

If you’re headaches aren’t helped by an over-the-counter medication, don’t be afraid to call up your doctor and make an appointment. There are many prescription migraine blockers available today, and your doctor can provide prescription decongestants to combat your sinus headaches.

Whatever you decide to do about your sinus and migraine headaches, know that there are solutions available to you, and that you are not alone in your suffering. I hope this article has given you some great ideas for eliminating those painful headaches and move on with your busy day. Good luck!