How to Get Rid of Female Facial Hair

Facial hair is a very embarrassing problem that affects many women who have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS. If you suffer from unwanted hair on your face, you may be wondering what you can do about it. The old saying is that you should never shave hair in areas where you don’t want it to grow in darker and thicker, but is this true? What other ways can you get rid of facial hair? Here are some of the things that every woman with facial hair should know about.

Shaving Facial Hair

It is important to remember that shaving hair does not actually cause it grow back thicker or darker. The myth came into play because it is common to get a shadowy appearance from shaving, as it doesn’t remove hair by the root. That being said, shaving facial hair offers some advantages and disadvantages. Shaving facial hair is the least expensive solution, and can be done very easily. When you are shaving around your lips and neck, however, it is important to be careful because you may nick yourself. Another downfall is that shaving will only keep facial hair at bay for a few days before you begin to see re-growth.

Waxing Facial Hair

Waxing is probably the best way to get rid of female facial hair. Whether you visit a salon, own a waxing machine, or use microwavable wax or wax strips, this can be the easiest way to get rid of your facial hair. Waxing will remove female facial hair from the root, which means that you will not get the shadowy appearance that comes with shaving. You will get smooth results that can last for two to four weeks. The main downfall of waxing is that it is more expensive than shaving. Also, it can be challenging to remove hair that it is not at least 1/4 inch.

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Plucking Facial Hair

Depending on the amount of facial hair that you have, another option may be for you to consider plucking it. This is most ideal if you are trying to get rid of the facial hair around your lips and beneath your nose. It would not work very well if you have any facial hair in the beard area. While this is another option which is free, it can be somewhat painful, especially if you have a lot of female facial hair.

Bleaching Facial Hair

An option which is often recommended to many people is to consider bleaching facial hair. This option can be a bit more difficult, however. For starters, keep in mind that you will be hiding the hair, rather than actually getting rid of it. It is ideal if your female facial hair is short, but dark. However, if you have very sensitive skin and have no clue what you are doing, bleaching facial hair should be avoided.

Talk to Your Doctor

PCOS is a gynecological problem that has other negative side effects, such as obesity, acne, and fertility problems. The condition is caused by an overproduction of male hormones called androgens. Most doctors will give you a birth control pill to balance out your hormones. The doctor may also prescribe you with an anti-androgen medication, which should help get rid of your facial hair. Also keep in mind that female facial hair can occur because of menopause.

Female facial hair is quite frustrating, and getting rid of it can be challenging. For most women, facial hair is not even noticeable. If it is, however, the best thing that you can do is think about waxing your female facial hair.

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The National Women’s Health Information Center, “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).