How to Get Rid of Bats in the Attic

Over the years there have been many different ways developed to get rid of bats in the attic but most of these solutions are either illegal or don’t actually work. If you find that you have bats in the attic and need an effective form of bat removal then your best chance at getting rid of the pesky little creatures is to get them all out and then permanently seal any entry points so that they CAN’T come back! Here is a step by step guide on how to get rid of bats in the attic.

Bat Removal Materials:





How to Get Rid of Bats in the Attic Step 1: Begin by closing any holes that the bats may be using to enter the attic. Leave one available hole opened so that the bats have a free way to get out one last time. To close attic holes you may need screen or wood depending on the structure of the home. Screen can be placed over attic vent holes so that there is still a way for hot air to escape without allowing bats to enter. Wood can be used to seal any existing structural or framing cracks and crevices. Simply nail wood into the areas where there are hole or crevices any more than a quarter inch thick. (YES bats can get through a hold that is less than half an inch–if they want to badly enough!)

How to Get Rid of Bats in the Attic Step 2: Once you have sealed all small holes in the attic, await night time when all of the bats will follow each other out the main hole that you left in the attic. Once they have left, use screen or wood to seal that hole as well.

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How to Get Rid of Bats in the Attic Step 3: Keeping the bats out should be easy if you have covered all the bases. Every hole or crevice in the attic should be filled or covered. Some smaller holes and crevices can be filled in effectively with caulk or silicone. Follow the beams of the attic from the inside and seal any possible areas to assure that the bats will not come back.

Effectively sealing the area is the only sure tell way of getting the bats out and keeping them out. While you may find yourself wanting to try an alternative method such as a high frequency sound to scare them off or a trap to catch the bats and release them away from the home neither of these solutions will work for the long term. High frequency tones have been found to be ineffective in bat removal and traps are difficult to maintain and could harm the bats thus getting you in trouble. Unfortunately these creatures are protected in many areas by laws and regulations that govern how you can get rid of them. Effectively sealing your home and the attic space from the bats is the best bat removal technique to keep them at bay!