How to Get Rid of Back Pain Forever!

Are you one of the thousands of people who suffer back pain everyday? So you wake up with a sore back and stiff muscles? Well You could be hurting yourself many ways without even knowing it. These days it’s very important to use proper body mechanics and ergonomics. The term “ergonomics” is derived from two Greek words: “ergon”, meaning work and “nomoi”, meaning natural laws. The way you sit and your posture has a lot to do with the health of you back. If you sit in the wrong position for a long time, you will hurt you back. It’s very important to know what to do in order to keep your back in good shape. That is what I will be covering in this article. I first talk about the proper ergonomics that should be used at home and in the workplace. I will also tell you why you should get a special mattress and chair for your back. And finally I will talk about how losing weight helps you get rid of back problems.

Ergonomics:These days it’s very important to use proper ergonomics with sitting at work or even at home. If you do not sit straight up in your chair you could hurt your back. It’s very important to have a good posture when sitting down or standing up. You should never slouch in your chair. This can cause muscle straight and give you a sore back. Also when you bend down to pick things up you should bend you knees and use you arm and leg muscles to do the work. Do not bend over with out bending your knees and lift. This can be very bad for you back.

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Have a good ergonomic Mattress and Chair: It’s also good to have a bed with a good ergonomic design. If you have a spring mattress it could be hurting your back. This is because these mattresses were do not have a good ergonomic design. And ergonomic mattresses fits the shape of your spine hips and neck perfectly. This makes sleeping very comfortable and will not damage your back. You will also not wake up with a sore back! This is a secret many people don’t know about. And it keeps the chiropractors in business. Because they rather keep you hurt and keep you coming back to give them your money! But you can spend some money on a good mattress and get rid of your chiropractor or massage therapist.

You should also have a good comfortable chair. It should have good lower and upper back support. And you should sit with both feet on the ground and with back straight. This will reduce strain on your back and make you feel better. But this is not enough. You need to also get up and stretch every 30 minutes or hour. This will help keep you back moving and not be in a static position. Your back does not like to be in the same position for hours. You can also walk over to the water cooler and get a drink. Walking around for a mind or 2 is good for the back as well. It’s also good to have ergonomic furniture at home and to keep a good posture always. If you keep a good posture while walking this will also help make you back feel better. If you do this you can avoid lots of back pain!

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Being overweight can make back pain worse: Did you know being overweight it not only unhealthy but bad for you back as well? If can make an injury hurt way more. Remember the more you weight the more your spine has to support. And you also when you move and run you have to push more weight. The more weight you have to move the more pressure your back muscles take. This can cause wear and tear on your back and cause pain. It’s good to lose weight and stay at a good weight for you height. Extra weight can cause all kinds of back problems. And remember the older you are the harder it is to lose it! It’s good to keep your weight down and avoid unwanted back pain. Losing weight can help take away back pain and eliminate many back conditions. I hope this info helps you take away your back pain. I actually wrote this because I was suffering back pain at age 24, and I found out these were the reasons. I am now following this advice and my back pain is gone!