How to Get Muscular Abs in One Week

Getting abs isn’t as hard as it seems. The mainstream might make it seem like the only way that you can get them is by using some expensive machinery and working out an hour a day for weeks, but this is not the answer. You have everything that you need to get your much wanted abs, and you can get started on obtaining them right now.

We always have abdominal muscles, we were born with them; but some are weaker and less exercised than others. The goal for you is to work those muscles enough to the point that they get hard and polished so that you can see them. However, you may actually already have abs, but they’re just covered by a layer of fat that lies over them. In this case, you would have to start doing cardio and doing normal exercises to get rid of that layer of fat so that you can see them. If you have a body fat percentage lower than at least 20 though, you should be okay. If you don’t have a body percentage of 20 though, you wont be able to see your abs once you get them, so follow these steps in order to get there. If you already have a body fat percentage 20 or below, just skip to step 3.

1. Start doing cardio: Start doing things like running, crunches, sit ups, just different exercises; anything to get your heart going at the rate where it starts burning fat easily. And don’t try to concentrate on just one area, because it doesn’t work that way. For example, if you were to try to burn the fat only in your abs area; you wouldn’t be able to. The fat would be lost in equal amounts in different parts of the body.

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2. Go to your physician and ask them to check your body fat percentage. They should also be able to give you advice about how you can start losing more weight, such as going on a special diet. Keep in mind though, that there’s a difference between body fat and regular fat. Even a skinny person that weighs only 100 pounds could have a body fat percentage higher than 20. There is a difference, although some people get confused by this.

3. Once you get your body fat percentage to 20 or lower, start doing crunches, and other exercises that work the abs. It isn’t really as hard as it seems, just do about 30 reps every three or four hours or so. Do this every day for only a week, and you should have your abs visible. If you want them to be even more visible and hardened, just keep repeating this every week until you’re satisfied with them. Also, be sure to watch what you eat, because if you start gaining that body fat again, your abs wont be visible anymore and you’ll have to start doing cardio’s and those other exercises again in order to see your abs once more.