How to Get Free Children’s Books

According the Random House website, there is one book for every 300 children in low-income neighborhoods. This is a startling statistic when you consider that the number of books in the home is the only measure found to directly correlate with reading scores. Children are more likely to learn to read and less likely to have reading difficulties if they grow up with books.

Family income should not be a stumbling block to a child’s access to books. Getting books in the hands of children that need them is important. Find free children’s books at library book sales, schools and garage sales.

Visit Library Book Sales for Free Children’s Books

Many local libraries hold annual book sales to raise funds for the library. The books sold are usually donated from library patrons or are books that have been taken out of circulation. Generally, the books are reasonably priced. After the sale, most libraries don’t have the storage space to keep a stock pile of books for future book sales. In the last hours of the book sale, it’s often possible to get free children’s books. Visit a library book sale and, if there are no free children’s books offered, ask if the library plans on giving books away at the end of the sale. There is a good chance that the answer will be yes.

Free Children’s Books from Schools and Daycare Centers

Many schools and daycare centers have programs that give free books to students. These programs are usually either locally funded or funded through a business, like Random House’s First Book Program. Some schools give one new, free book to students each quarter. Other schools give students a free book on their birthday or as a holiday gift. Check with the school or daycare center to see if a similar program exists in your area. If it does, be sure your child’s name is on the list to receive a free book.

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Find Free Children’s Books at Garage Sales

Like library book sales, garage sales are a great place to find free books. Some people offer books for free at the start of a garage sale. Others are willing to give them away in the last hour or two so they don’t have to store the unwanted books again. It’s also likely that the person running the garage sale will give books away for free if asked.

It’s important that all children have access to books. If you or someone you know finds buying children’s books a financial burden, look for free children’s books at library book sales, garage sales and special school programs.


Random House website, First Book Program, The Random House Literacy Initiative
