How to Get a Residential Real Estate Appraiser License in Maryland

The many real estate transactions that occur in the state of Maryland every month require knowledgeable individuals to determine the fair market value of that real estate. Banks want to lend money to buyers of homes, but only if those homes are worth the money being lent. Homeowners want to borrow money against the value of their homes and buyers want confirmation that the money that they’re offering to buy their homes for are priced fairly. All of these parties use residential real estate appraisers who are licensed by the Maryland Commission of Real Estate Appraisers and Home Inspectors.

In Maryland, there are four distinct levels of real estate appraiser licensure, each of which has a specific license and certification requirement. These levels are “Appraiser Trainee,” “Real Estate Appraiser,” “Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser” and “Certified General Real Estate Appraiser.

Every applicant for either of these levels must meet the following qualifications:

• The applicant must be at least 18 years old.

• The applicant must be of good character and reputation.

• The applicant must meet the current educational and experience requirements for each level of licensure.

• The applicant must satisfactorily complete the Board examination.

Each one of the four different licensure levels demands a different level of approved education.

• The Appraiser Trainee must pass a written state examination after having taken 75 hours of a state-approved course within five years of having been approved by the real estate appraisal board to take the exam.

• The Licensed Residential Appraiser candidate must pass a board-approved examination after having studied 90 hours of a state-approved course. The 75 hours of study engaged in for the Appraiser Trainee will count towards the 90 hours needed for the Licensed Residential Appraiser.

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• The Certified Residential Appraiser must successfully pass a 120-hour approved course of which the 90 hours earned for the Licensed Residential Appraiser may be applied towards the 120 hours.

• The Certified General Appraiser candidate must successfully complete 180 hours of a board-approved course. All previous hours earned for any of the other licensure classes may apply towards the fulfillment of the required 180 hours. Additionally, all candidates for licensure as certified general appraisers must complete a 30 hour advanced-level course in the appraisal of nonresidential properties.

Apart from the educational requirements, appraiser candidates must complete a set number of experience hours.

• Appraiser Trainees have no experience requirements. They must work under the direct supervision of a licensed real estate appraiser in order to gain the experience needed to apply for licensure as a Licensed Residential Appraiser.

• Applicants for a Residential Appraiser’s license must have a minimum of 2,000 hours of appraisal experience.

• Applicants for a Certified Residential Appraiser’s license must have a minimum of 2,500 hours of appraisal experience.

• Applicants for a Certified General Appraiser’s license must have a minimum of 3,000 hours of appraisal experience of which at least 1,500 hours must be in nonresidential appraisals, and must include appraisal experience that demonstrates an understanding of the income approach.

All residential real estate appraisers’ licenses must be renewed by the third anniversary of the issuance of the license and every three years thereafter. As a condition of license renewal, all active license holders must complete continuing education requirements as following:

• Continuing education courses or seminars must be at least 42 classroom hours in length.

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• Six of those classroom hours must be the National Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice course which was established by the Appraiser Qualification’s Board (AQB) of The Appraisal Foundation.
