How to Fix Common DSN Problems

Error messages can occur with the Domain Name System, or DNS, when the computer cannot translate a website address into an IP address. This can be due to a root server being down or because the DNS records are corrupt. Denial-of-service attacks, or DoS attacks, are also known to cause problems when hackers flood the network with useless traffic. If you are unable to clear your DNS cache, can’t access the Internet or are unable to renew your IP address, a DNS problem may be to blame. Follow these solutions for simple DSN repair.

Step One
Click “Start,” “All Programs,” “Accessories,” and then select “Run.” Enter ” regsvr32 softpub.dll Wintrust.dll Initpki.dll Rsaenh.dll Mssip32.dll Cryptdlg.dll” into the “Run” box and click “OK.” Test to see if the DNS problem persists. If so, move onto step 2.

Step Two
Run a trusted virus and malware scan. When prompted if you would like a quick or full scan, choose full. Scanning can take several minutes to several hours, depending on your computer speed and type of software you are using to perform the scan. Remove any malicious results and test to see if the DNS problem persists. If so, move onto step 3.

Step Three
Perform routine maintenance to your computer. Small changes or failure to update your computer can lead to DNS problems. Check to ensure that the date and time is correct on your desktop. Install the latest updates for Internet Explorer, Firefox, virus protection software and any other programs that are used frequently. Check the firewall to determine if port 443 is open to allow secure websites through. If these fixes do not solve the DNS problem, run a system restore to the last date your computer was working efficiently. Go to “Start,” “All Programs,” “Accessories,” and “System Tools” and select “System Restore” from the options. Follow the on-screen wizard to complete.

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Step Four
Enable DNS client services that have been disabled. If you are receiving an error message that states “Unable to Clear the DNS Cache,” the DNS client service may be disabled. Click “Start,” “Control Panel,” “Administrative Tools” and “Services.” In the list of services, scroll down to “DSN Client” and double-click to open the “Properties” window. Under “Start-Up Type”, choose “Automatic” and then “Apply” to save your settings.

Step Five
Repair any errors related to an IP address. If you have received an error message that states “Unable to Obtain an IP Address,” fix the problem through a command line. Click “Start,” “All Programs,” “Accessories” and “Command Prompt” to begin a command line. In the box, enter “ipconfig /renew” to obtain a new IP address.

Additional Tips:
The instructions provided above on how to fix DSN problems are for those using Windows 7. All other editions of Windows may use the same instructions but exact on-screen options may differ slightly.

References :
Microsoft Tech Net: Troubleshooting Active Directory ‘” Related DNS Problems

Microsoft Tech Net: Troubleshooting DNS