How to Find Bargain Used Books at Local Library Sales

If you are an avid book lover and are always looking to add to your growing rare collection, why not visit a local library sale?

Who are the Friends of the Library?

The Friends of the Library is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting and organizing library activities, providing new book titles and literacy education to library patrons. In order to raise funds for these library activities, The Friends of the Library and other non-profit organizations conduct various library sales throughout the year. These books are usually 100% donated and are priced anywhere from .50 to $2 and provide a great opportunity for books lovers to find the most terrific bargains on used books.

Finding a Used Book Bargain #1 – Be Prepared

Be prepared. The library book sales are very poplar in most major cities and draw a huge crowd so be sure to know the exact location, the hours of operation, if there is an admission fee (sometimes there may be an admission fee the first day of the sale) and the number of used books that will be sold. This information will give you an idea of how big the sale will be and what type of crowd to expect. Try to arrive early so you can avoid the long lines but keep in mind a lot of people live for these sales so you may not be the only one getting an early start.

Finding a Used Book Bargain #2 – BYOB – Bring Your Own Bag

Even though the library sale organizers provide boxes and paper bags, it is always a good idea to bring your own bags, carts and/or boxes. By bringing your own bag, this will eliminate time and effort to locate a representative so that you will not lose your book findings. Remember, these library sales get pretty hectic and it is every man and woman for himself or herself. Therefore, if you find a great bargain book you cannot live without, you will want to be ready to place it under your possession quickly before the next person spots it.

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Finding a Used Book Bargain #3 – Map Out Your Territory

The thing that I love about library sales is that they have a bonanza of various book collections from fiction to rare collections and you will be able to find any type of literature that fits your needs. Therefore, it is a good idea to spend a few minutes to develop a strategy for your first and second move especially if you are working against a crowd. For example, if you are a lover of cookbooks, self-help and business books, make sure to map out each location so that you do not get caught up in other areas and miss bargain opportunities in the book collections of choice.

Finding a Used Book Bargain #4 – Hunt for the Best Bargains in Unexpected Places

Hunting for the best bargains at a library sale means, digging, digging and more digging. There are hundreds maybe thousands of books in any given section and it will take some time to find that diamond in the rough. The key is to look quickly and efficiently before the person next to you discovers your diamond. Also, be sure to look under the tables of the designated area. Organizers do not have enough space to display all used books to be sold, therefore the replenish books are in boxes underneath the table for sales as well. So do not hesitate to do a little extra exploring in order to find uncharted used book bargains.

Finding a Used Book Bargains #5 – Sign up for the Mailing List

The best way to stay up to date with local library sales is to get on the mailing list for upcoming events. During library sales, members of the Friends of the Library have information cards and membership information available. The mailing list will inform you of the next library sale date and used books specials.

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Library sales are a great way to shop for used book bargains in your local area as well as give back to the community so be sure to ask your local library for information on the next Friends of Library used book sale.