How to Find a Small Business Coach

Operating a small business takes experience and skill. Having coaches and mentors on board to support owners and managers will help the business succeed. This is a chance to get advice from people who have hands-on experience opening and managing successful groups. When looking for support, small business owners should look for mentors who have worked in this industry, are experienced, and have a long history of supporting past clients. The following are some tips for finding and choosing the best small business coaches and mentors.

Experience in the Business World

Hiring a coach is a big investment. One should look for mentors who have experience in the business world. People should research the professional’s history, level of business success, and if they have experience with coaching. Business professionals need mentors who can guide them in everything from management and marketing to accounting. The best coach is someone who built and ran his or her own business.

References of the Mentor

It is wise to ask who else the professional has coached or worked with. This is a chance to see the types of businesses that the coach has experience with and the chance to talk to past clients. Asking for a resume is more than appropriate before making a decision on a specific mentor.


Running a restaurant is very different than running a boutique. Specialization in the field is important for small businesses looking for mentors. Business owners or managers should think about what help they specifically need. Finding coaches who specialize in marketing or building a franchise means looking for professionals who have succeeded in these areas.

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Connections in the Community

A mentor should really be able to offer something unique to a small business. This means that they have connections that the owner or manager can make use of. Some coaches have connections for how to get goods at a special rate, or they understand how to get advertisements placed on the radio or local newspaper. Making use of these connections is part of what makes having a small business coach or mentor worth the investment.

Personality Match

Small businesses need coaches who have similar goals, interests, and communication styles. Thus, it is important to really think about one’s focus for the business before looking for a mentor. Some coaches are focused on developing a national brand whereas others are focused on building a local eco-friendly business. Understanding one’s values is an important piece of selecting her best small business coach. Consultations or interviews are important when finding the right mentor. Managers or owners should feel comfortable and at ease with this professional.

Consider Compensation and Communication

Business owners need to think about how much this investment will cost. It is smart to ask about how often the mentor will meet with the owners and managers, how payment will operate, and if payment plans are available. Some coaches will schedule face-to-face meetings once a month whereas others will consult with clients via phone, email, and Skype. Compensation and communication should be in line with a small business owner’s expectations.Investing in a small business coach should be affordable.

Where to Look for an Experienced Mentor

There are many different ways to find a coach or mentor for a small business. The Internet is a great way to research local and national options. There are also organizations focused on pairing businesses with coaches (i.e. World Association of Business Coaches). The local business community is a great resource for people looking for advisers. Friends, loved ones, and partners may have great information about where to look for reputable business coaches.

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Free Resources
Not every business can afford to pay a mentor or coach. Thankfully, there are free options via the Small Business Administration (SBA). This non-profit is comprised of thousands of retired business executives. There are similar organizations for ethnic minorities and women. Such resources are useful to small business owners who need advice or support.

Having someone to vent to or turn to in emergencies is incredibly important for a small business owner or manager. This is a chance to really get support so that the business does not detonate. A mentor understands the ins and outs of the business world and can help people boost up a struggling business. The best mentors are experienced in the business world, clear about communication and compensation, and have a history of supporting other business owners. Working with a professional coach or mentor is sure to teach small business owners how to refine their offerings and beat the competition.