How to Find a Job in Atlanta Georgia Using the Internet

Obtaining employment in these modern times has taken on a completely new form. With the employment rate at all-time high employers are able to pick and choose their potential employees like never before, and they are taking full advantage of that power.

Employers are asking for more education, background checks, drug test, credit checks, and in some cases they’ve have been known to ask for access to potential employee’s Facebook accounts. One might think that this kind of Scrutiny would be more for the higher paying jobs that would require more security.

Where To Start

Atlanta is a big city and yes there are jobs to be had. The real question is,” are you really willing to do what it takes to get the job”? The first thing to do is get you head right, deciding to take finding a job serious is the most important part of finding a job.

Gather your information and have everything you need ready to give to a potential employer as soon as they ask for it. Keep in mind that in the time that it might take you to run home or to the library to get copies or files someone more prepared could show up and get the job that you would have had.

Creating yourself a professional looking resume and cover letter is easy and it doesn’t cost a dime. Just about any computer that you turn on today will have a template for creating a resume. The information is already there all you have to do change it around to fit your circumstances and you’ll have a nice professional resume in minutes.

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Print at least 10 copies along with copies of your resume, cover letter, high school diploma, GED, GA Work Ready Certificate if you have, and any other certificates or diplomas that you have to showcase your skills to a potential employer. Put one of each copy in a clean manila folder and print your name on the outside of it.

  • Dedicate 8 hours a day to finding a job
  • Have resumes on hand
  • Have copies of High School Diploma or GED on hand
  • Take the GA Work Ready Test and keep copies of that on hand
  • Be organized – keep a log of every place applied to
  • Make call back calls every day Use the Ga Department of Labor’s website everyday – you can get more referrals that way
  • Sign up to some online job search websites two very good ones are and
  • Check on all referrals
  • Two other good places to look for work in Atlanta Georgia are Atlanta Craigslist and The Craigslist has a whole section that is dedicated to employment just beware of scams. The Bartertown is a fairly new website that I have recently discovered, but they appear to have some things going for them.

The most important thing is don’t give up, there is a job out there for you and it is the right job for you. Good luck in your job search.
