How to Find a Cool Winter Job Online

Finding winter work can be an awesome way to spend the winter and make some extra cash. Some winter jobs pay a lot, some do not. So how do you find a good winter job from the comforts of your own home? Well, that’s what I’m here to share with you. I have had every kind of winter and summer job you can think of. From working at summer camps, to being a whitewater rafting guide, to training sled dogs in Alaska. I have pretty much done it all. How did I find these jobs you ask?

I have spent many an hour online and in the book stores trying to find cool winter jobs. Some of the books and websites I looked through for winter jobs were awesome and others just sucked. The first place I checked was online.

Winter Jobs – Winter Jobs Online

My favorite website for finding winter jobs is How appropriately named, right? This website seems to have the largest database of winter jobs. Despite its name it even has a lot of seasonal jobs in case you are looking for something to do in the summer or any other time of year.

CoolWorks has all kinds of winter job listings. It has sections for National Park Jobs, Resort Jobs, Guide Jobs, Ski Resort Jobs, Camp Jobs, State Park Jobs, Ranch Jobs, and more.

When looking for a winter job on this website you can search locations or types of winter jobs. The results bring up short descriptions of either the job or the business. Some businesses and resorts offer a number of wither jobs so you have to click on the link to find out what other winter jobs they offer.

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The link in the results usually takes you to the businesses website. This is nice because it means that you don’t have to sign up with CoolWorks to look at job listings or setup an online resume or any of that annoying stuff.

Winter Jobs – Books for Winter Jobs

There is one book that I used like a bible for a long time when it came to find winter work or just work in general and the was The Back Door Guide to Short Term Job Adventures.

This book is awesome for finding winter jobs. You can use the book to search for winter jobs in a certain area or you can just look for winter jobs. The book is laid out really well. Under the description for each job it tells you a little bit about the company, what they will expect from you, what they look for, benefits they offer, how much they pay, and how to go about applying for the job. They publish this book yearly so it is always up-to-date on jobs, businesses, and pay offered.

Along with winter jobs the book also has internships, summer jobs, volunteer work, and transitions abroad.

The really sweet part about this book is that you can usually find it on Amazon for under $12. Check it out here.

Winter Jobs – My Favorite Winter Job

I get a lot of question about my winter work as dog handler. A dog handler is someone who works with someone who races sled dogs for a living. I worked as a dog handler for quite some time. You don’t make a lot of money, but is an awesome experience if nothing else. This is an awesome winter job and probably one of my favorite winter jobs. Read one of my articles about how to get a job as a dog handler here on Associated Content.

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