How to Find a Cheap Replacement Car Door

Sometimes unexpected events can happen to your vehicle. Perhaps one of the most common of these unwanted experiences is your car door being banged by another door or within a small accident. If you have found yourself with a car that has a busted car door, then you will want to buy a replacement car door. While you can go to a mechanic and have them order the car door, it will cost you much more due to their service fees and other undesirable costs, which leads many car owners searching the market for a replacement car door. The only problem with replacing your car door yourself, is trying to find the actual replacement. For anyone who has attempted to do this, it is quickly apparent that some car doors are extremely difficult to find. However, there are several steps you can take to easily find a replacement door easily, and if you’re successful, you’ll be able to save quite a lot of money.

The first step in locating a replacement car door is to first contact your insurance company. You will want to have a claims representative visit your car, and take a look at the damage. If your insurance policy covers this type of damage, then you can instantly hand off the task of finding a replacement car door for your car. This is the easiest method of finding a replacement door. If you don’t have coverage for them to perform this service, simply ask them the name of the supplier that they would get the door from, and contact this supplier directly.

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Another way of finding a replacement car door will take some work, but if you take a couple of friends along with you, it can be an interesting afternoon. You will want to visit your local junk yard. If you have a larger junk yard, than there is a good probability that there will be a car with a usable replacement door. However, if you have an older vehicle, in upwards of fifteen years or so, than you may not be able to find a replacement door this way. If you want, you can simply call several junk yards and see if they have a replacement door.

Of course, you can always turn to eBay to find what you’re looking for. eBay Motors has plenty of replacement doors up for auction, and this can be one of the simplest ways of finding the perfect car door. It is always suggested that you purchase a protection plan if you go this route.

If all of these methods have failed you, than you may need to talk directly to the car dealer that sold you the vehicle, or who sells your type of car. This is definitely a last resort option because it will be your most expensive. But, if you can’t find your replacement door anywhere else, they will more than likely have the part you’re looking for.