How to Fill in Immigration Form G325-A

Immigration Form G325-A is free of charge. It is used in conjunction with other immigration forms and is intended to provide biographic information to USCIS on an immigrant as well as their US citizen or Permanent Resident relative. It is easy to make mistakes when filling in immigration forms, which is why a lot of caution is required as well as time that has been specifically set aside for the purpose of filling in the immigration forms. Here are some tips to help applicants make sure that they fill in this form correctly.

Use Capitals

Although Form G325-A does not state that capital letters are required when filling in the form, this would be a wise course of action, especially if your penmanship makes it difficult for others to discern what you have written. Start with filling in your name. Make sure that if you have a middle name, to write it out in full or to simply write “None” if you do not have a middle name.

Birth Date

Some immigrants stumble on this question. It seems so simple to fill in when you were born. But not all nationalities follow the same method of writing the birth date. For example, in Europe, people always write their birth date starting with the day, followed by the month and then the year. But in America, the birth date is always written month, day, year. If you were born on 1 January or 11 November, then this will present no problems and it will be easily understood. But if you were born on 8 September, it will look like you were born on on 9 August if you do not make the connection straightaway and write it the American way. Once the mistake has been made, you will have a hard time trying to convince USCIS that you know when you were born.

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City and Country of Residence

When filling in this question, make sure that you include where you currently live, not where you will live once you move to America. “But I don’t live in a city”, you might add. That does not matter. When filling in American immigration forms, many questions will ask for your city of birth or residence. It does not mean that where you live is the same scale or size as New York City or Los Angeles. Just think of the word “city” as meaning town, village or city.

As long as you carefully read through this form, the rest of the questions will be self-explanatory. Be as thorough as you can and if you are unsure of dates of employment or the termination of previous marriages, set Form G-325-A off to one side and return to it once you have the correct answers. It is very easy to make simple, careless mistakes when filling in immigration Form G325-A. But as long as you take your time and read through it and follow the instructions, you will not have any problems.
