How to File Your Own Court Papers

In this day and age, everything is about doing it yourself. Whether it is home improvements or fixing your car. Now you can even represent yourself in court. I know. This is old news. There are all kinds of “do it yourself” kits for a number of court motions. People still seem afraid to take the chance. Filing a motion in a court of law can be stressful. With the right information, and the right paperwork, your court case can go smoothly.

I had been separated from my husband for three years. I had tried on several occasions to peacefully rectify the situation. He was not about to budge. He knew that I could not afford an attorney. I called the clerk of courts. The people in that office are extremely helpful.

I explained my situation. The woman who answered the phone suggested the DIY divorce kit. She did give me a word of caution, though. She said the kit did not come with all the paper work I would need. Where do I get it? Her answer, of course, on-line.

I searched every nook and cranny of the Internet. I learned quite a bit about how a search engine locates things. But no such luck with divorce forms I could use in the state I was in. So I called the clerk back. I asked if I could see a divorce record that had been filed. She informed me it was public record. I was on my way to the courthouse.

To make a long story short, I was granted a divorce. The ex hubby did not have to show up. The judge was extremely understanding with the presentation of my case. I won.

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In recent weeks, a family member had a slight crisis that caused him to contact an attorney. The bill would have been almost $600. This time I knew what to do. I found examples of motions that had been filed. I was able to help when it came to writing an addendum to the motion. The cost? 2 hours of my time.

If you find yourself needing to file a motion for something, ask the clerk of courts if it is possible for you to file the motion yourself. Chances are you can. The next step is to get on-line and search for free legal forms or free court forms. An intelligent person can figure out the wording of these court papers and fill in the blanks. This can save a lot of time and money.

One thing I did learn is that when you do it yourself, you can choose the wording in such a way that you protect yourself or your assets. If you win your case or your motion is granted, this can be a great victory for years to come. An example is that in my divorce, the wording was such that I am the only one who will ever claim our children on the income tax records.

I do not want anyone to get the wrong impression with this article. There are times that an attorney will be necessary. For general court cases and legal motions, most of the time you can get away with doing it yourself. One thing to remember, always respect the court. After all, you are asking them to do you a favor.

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