How to Even Out a Tan Using Self Tanner

As you spend your summer months lying by the pool, hiking on mountain trails or playing Frisbee at the park, you may find your skin covered with tan lines. Rather than dealing with the unsightly skin color changes, you can fix your uneven tan. All you need is self tanner and a subtle tanning lotion.

Self Tanner Versus Subtle Tanning Lotion

Self tanners are the traditional method for getting a fake tan at home. The lotions cause a dramatic darkening of skin color in just one day. With regular use, self tanner can make your skin look several shades darker in just one week. Try a self tanner such as L’Oreal Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Lotion.

Subtle tanning lotions, on the other hand, act as more of an everyday moisturizer with an added touch of self tanner. Its skin-darkening effects are subtle and aren’t noticeable until you use it for several days in a row. This is a good product if time isn’t an issue or if you’re only looking for a subtle change in your skin color. Try subtle tanning lotions such as Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer for face or body.

Reducing Tan Lines

Apply a coat of self tanner right after you shower and after you have dried yourself off. Apply the lotion only to the areas that need darkening. For instance, if you have tan lines from wearing a t-shirt in the sun, also known as a “farmer’s tan”, apply the self tanner to the lighter portions of your upper arms. Avoid adding the self tanner to any part of your skin that has a sufficient tan. You may need to ask for assistance to reach areas of your back that need darkening. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly to remove any leftover self tanner.

See also  Top 5 Sunless Tanning Lotions

Let the self tanner soak into your skin throughout the day. The next time you take a shower, reevaluate your tan lines. If they’re still uneven, keep doing this technique until you’re happy with the results.

Evening a Tan and Increasing Overall Darkness

If you want to get darker overall but have any uneven tan, you can use a combination of both the self tanner and the subtle tanning lotion. First, cover the lighter portions of your tan with self tanner just as described in the previous section. Try not to overlap the edges of your tan lines with self tanner as this may darken areas of your already dark skin that you want to avoid.

Next, apply the subtle tanning lotion on the areas of your body that are already dark but that you want to get darker. This could be your face, chest, legs and arms. Since these lotions are subtle, your skin will grow darker much slower than the other parts of your body.

Use this method for several days until your tan has evened out and you are darker overall. If your tan is even but you still want to get darker, switch to using either the self tanner or subtle tanning lotion on your entire body, rather than both on different spots. You’ll end up with an even tan that will look great in any outfit.
