How to Cut Calories at Italian Restaurants

Who doesn’t love good Italian food? Granted, visiting an Italian restaurant can be a calorie nightmare, but it doesn’t have to be. You don’t have to avoid your favorite Italian restaurant just because you’re trying to lose weight. There are ways to cut the calories so that you can enjoy a meal without all the guilt. Best of all, you don’t have to sacrifice flavor to eat a healthier meal.

Skip the Bread

If you love bread, it may be one of the hardest parts about visiting an Italian restaurant. After all, they are more than happy to keep the bread sticks coming. The best thing you can do is request that they take the bread from the table. It can be easy to succumb to mindless eating while waiting for your entree to arrive. While you talk to your dinner guest, you may find yourself munching away at the bread. The waiter will continue to bring more and the next thing you know, you’ve eaten five bread sticks. This can be several hundred calories, especially if you also use the the oil based dip that many Italian restaurants provide.

Opt for a Red Sauce

The red or the white shouldn’t only be considered when ordering a glass of wine, but when you order your entree as well. Red sauces contain much fewer calories than white sauces. It’s much healthier to stick with a marinara sauce than Alfredo. White sauces are often made with heavy cream, cheese, white wine, butter and flour. In other words, they are loaded with calories and Italian restaurants are not skimpy with the amount of sauce they add. It’s not uncommon for a plate of fettuccine Alfredo to have over 1,000 calories.

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Stick With Vegetables and Lean Meat

If you want something extra in your red sauce, it’s best to stick with vegetables or lean meat. For example, sauteed mushrooms and spinach are wonderful choices. You could also add chicken, if you like. You want to stay away from breaded meats and high fat cuts of beef. If you want something special, consider adding seafood to your dish. Many types of unbreaded seafood are low in fat and calories.

Avoid Ravioli, Tortellini and Other Filled Pastas

Yes, these options can be very tempting, but many are filled with cheese and other ingredients that are high in calories. If you want something that has more texture than spaghetti or other thin noodles, opt for bow tie pasta or penne. These offer much more texture and help keep you satisfied because you have more to chew. If at all possible, also request whole grain pasta rather than white.

Say No to the Cheese

Parmesan cheese isn’t that high in calories. However, restaurants seem to enjoy piling on a small mountain of cheese before the entrees leave the kitchen. When ordering your pasta, request that no cheese be added. If you like the flavor of the cheese, ask for some on the side. Many restaurants also have shakers on the table. If you want a zero calorie way to add flavor to your entree, use red pepper flakes instead of the cheese.

Share Your Meal

Italian restaurants are notorious for extra large portions. In most cases, this isn’t a bad thing. After all, you’re certainly getting your money’s worth. However, you’re also consuming several hundred more calories than you need to. One way to combat this is to share your meal with a friend. If you and your friend have different tastes, you can also request a half portion or box up part of your meal before you start eating.