How to Cure Wedding Ring Dermatitis

It can happen a day after your spouse puts the ring on your finger, a month later, a year later, even several years later. Suddenly, one day, you notice that the skin beneath the ring becomes red, itchy and irritated. The bad news is, your skin might be allergic to the metal in the ring. If this problem takes a long time to happen, you may wonder, “Why? I’ve worn the ring all these years without a problem.” Keep in mind, that as we age, our body chemistry changes. Obviously you weren’t allergic to the metal, but now you are. Or, the band of the ring is worn and the metal underneath is now exposed. The good news is, you can likely cure the problem by learning how to cure Wedding Ring Dermatitis.

According to the experts, an allergic reaction to metal isn’t the only cause of Wedding Ring Dermatitis. They say that wearing a ring 24/7/365 can easily cause problems. Why? Because, by wearing the ring all the time, the skin underneath your ring never gets any air. Add that to the fact that soap suds, hand cream, grease,
and anything else you get on your hands can get trapped under your wedding ring and irritate your skin. Of course, the wider the band, the worse the problem will be.

The first step is to remove your wedding ring and give the skin underneath some air. Then, wash your hands thoroughly, especially between each finger. Pay special attention to the skin that’s covered by your wedding ring. Use a gentle cleanser, then rinse your hands well with tap water.

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The next step is to rinse off your wedding ring underneath a running faucet. Don’t use soap because it will dull diamonds and other stones. Just use your fingers to clean the ring off underneath the water stream. Pay special attention to the inside of the band. Avoid using jewelry cleaner too because the chemicals can further irritate your Wedding Ring Dermatitis.

Finally, dry your wedding ring off carefully with a clean, soft cloth. Avoid wearing your ring for a few days and see if your skin problem clears up. Don’t scratch the dermatitis or you can make it worse. If the itch is driving you nuts, buy some hydrocortisone cream at your local drugstore. Read and follow the package instructions in order to achieve the best results.

If this home cure does the trick, you can put your wedding ring on again. But, wear a pair of gloves to protect your skin anytime your hands are going to be subjected to chemicals, cleaners, grease, et cetera. Also, take your ring off from time to time and allow the skin underneath to get some air.

Once you put your wedding ring back on your finger, if the dermatitis appears again soon after, then your body may be allergic to the metal in the band. You now have three options to cure your Wedding Ring Dermatitis:

1. You can paint the inside of your ring band with a thin layer of clear nail polish. Allow the polish to dry thoroughly before you put your ring back on.

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2. Visit an allergist and get tested to verify you’re allergic to the metal in your wedding ring. Then, you can visit a reputable jeweler and have your ring plated.

3. Or, you can purchase a new ring that doesn’t contain the metal you’re allergic to. Nickel is the most likely metal to cause Wedding Ring Dermatitis; try Platinum instead.

If the dermatitis doesn’t clear up within several days, consult your physician or dermatologist.