How to Create Your List of Positive Affirmations

Even if you have not actually practiced creating affirmations for your life, you have been living with them since you were old enough to think for yourself. Your upbringing, your friends, parents and even you have been influencing how you think of yourself and your life. Everyone has thoughts that you could say just “drift around” and sometimes you get the ones that simply stay and become a part of who you are. Internalizing these thoughts makes them become part of you if you examine them on a regular basis. Maybe you were told as a child that you were not one of the popular kids. Children especially are really good at internalizing. Affirmation by the very definition means “that which is true.” If you believe negative thoughts fed to you by others, then you in fact are affirming those statements whether they are positive or negative. So, once you were told this negative information about yourself, you took over and repeated it to the extent that you believed it. It was affirmed in your own mind that you were not one of the popular kids.

Are you ready to take control of making affirmations work for you? Positive affirmations that you apply yourself will go a long way in undoing the negative reinforcement you experienced in the past. The following are some ways that will hopefully help to create a list of positive affirmations that can and will have a great impact on your life and how you feel about yourself.

To start, always make affirmations in the positive. Do not state that you want to be out of debt. The main word you will be repeating to yourself will be the word “debt.” Of course, debt is not what you had imagined. Say to yourself instead that you have enough to take care of your needs. That is a statement. It stands as a fact, not what you want or do not want. The trick is to say the affirmations as if they were already a reality. Everything is about NOW, not what you want to happen, but affirming that it has already occurred.

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If you feel stuck in finding ways to be positive, try briefly listing all the things that you do not want. Keep it brief so as to not dwell too much in the negative. You certainly know what you do not want. Take all of those statements and go in the opposite direction with them. For instance, you don’t want to be overweight. Take that statement and turn it around to say that you lose weight easily and effortlessly. Make it a now statement.

Go easy on yourself at first. Not many people are comfortable with sudden change. You do not have to rid yourself of every last negative thought in one fell swoop. Like any other learning process, it will take a little time. Try to focus on one area at a time. If you need a better job, concentrate on that. Write down every thing that would make an ideal job for you. Then claim it with positive affirmations on a daily basis. It is a good practice to rewrite your affirmations occasionally. It’s like fine-tuning. Find out which affirmations are really working for you and replace the ones that are not and that are not really resonating with you.

Affirmations are a way of controlling the way you feel. Repeating affirmations on a consistent, preferably daily basis will create a new way to think, act and feel. Real practice with positive affirmations can create the results you want in your life. This can be life transforming.