How to Create a Terrarium for a Fire-bellied Newt

If you are looking for a small pet that is easy to care for, a fire-bellied newt is definitely something you should consider. These tiny little creatures pack a big personality, and are fun for every member of the family. They make the perfect first pet for children because they are low maintenance and don’t require a lot of attention. Newts do well living alone, or in groups, as long as there is enough food and space. Before purchasing your newt, you need to create its home, which is called a terrarium. Here are some tips for creating the perfect newt terrarium.

The type of housing

Newts aren’t like some of the more common lizards. These little guys need to stay wet to survive, so you have to make sure the housing you chose can hold water. The size you will need depends on the number of newts you have; however, you don’t have to worry about it being too big. I decided to go with a 10 gallon glass aquarium, and used a screen top. It’s important to purchase a lid that fits in the aquarium snugly, and doesn’t have any open areas. Newts are great climbers, and are known to escape their terrarium. If they do leave their terrarium, and aren’t found quickly they will dry out and die, so a good fitting lid is a must. You will also need to purchase a light source for the top of your terrarium. Newts don’t need a lot of light or heat so something small with a low wattage bulb should work.

How much water do newts need?

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While newts only need enough water to cover their tiny bodies that doesn’t mean it’s all you’re allowed to use. You can use as much water as you wish as long as your newt is able to climb out of the water completely. Newts need water to live, but they do enjoy being out of it as well. When creating my newts terrarium, I placed all the decorations before adding the water, and then added enough water to fill the 10 gallon tank about a third of the way full. The total amount you will use depends on what you have in your terrarium.

Adding rocks

Rocks are used to create levels inside the terrarium. You do this so the newt can submerge itself in water and have a place to play outside of the water. It can also give your newt places to explore both above and below the water. I like to use a combination of brightly colored aquarium gravel, and natural rocks in my terrarium. This allows me to create the necessary slope using the aquarium gravel, and to use the natural rocks to create places for my newt to explore.

Adding plants

There are many different types of aquatic plants available at local pet stores. Adding any of these would not only add a nice touch to the over all look of your terrarium, but will also give your newt something else to explore. I suggest purchasing some java moss and/or java fern for your terrarium, because they both do well in cooler water and with little light.

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The extras features

Once you have your basics in place you can add extras if you wish. Most pet stores offer small water features like air powered waterfalls. These not only look great, but also give your newt something else to explore. You should discuss your purchases with someone before picking out any extra features for your terrarium to ensure they are safe for a newt. To complete the look, you can purchase a background scenery. These backgrounds can be anything from an underwater scene, to a cartoon fantasy world.

Although many people purchase their newts before setting up their terrarium, I suggest you get everything up and running before purchasing your newt. This way you’re introducing your new pet into an established ecosystem.

Author’s personal experience