How to Create a Mystique Costume

There are several ways you can dress up to portray Mystique. Here is what I think will be the best way if you are going for the natural look of Mystique as herself, while she is not imitating someone else. Please remember to keep in mind if you are allergic to any of the following items, do not do this.

Things you will need


Costume yellow contacts

Red hair dye


Hot glue gun

Blue liquid latex (if you are allergic to latex, do not use)


First since you are using a bikini, you will want to place the sequins on both parts of the bikini with some glue. You can use a hot glue gun just make sure that the fabric of the bikini can handle it. Then you can take both parts of the bikini and paint with the liquid latex paint this way it will match the color of your skin. These will be darker, but that is ok since they have the sequins and Mystique has that look. Be sure to paint the shoes you are going to wear as well so they have time to dry. Yes, you can use the liquid latex on these as well. Using the liquid latex on as much as possible will help give you a more even blue color all over.

While that is drying, you want to dye your hair. There are several options, most costume stores have temporary die that will only last a few days. I believe there are even gel dies that only last for a few days. Or you can buy a permanent die if you want to keep your hair red for awhile. Either way, use this time to get your hair died red. Be careful not to get the die on your skin. You can use Vaseline around your hairline to easily wipe up die that seeps over.

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Once your hair is died and dried, you can then pull it back into a pony tail so it is not in the way for the next step. Put on both pieces of the bikini, and now you will need help. Now you will have someone paint you with the liquid latex blue paint. Be sure they get as close to your hair line as possible. Once you are dry, check your body to make sure it is all covered in blue. Touch up as necessary with the liquid latex.

Now you can use some gel or hairspray to slick your hair back how Mystiques is when she is her natural form. If you bought some yellow costume contact lens, now is a great time to put those in as well.

Now if you would like, you can probably get some self sticking sequins from a costume store, and place them on your face and arms to give yourself more of a complete look. Now you can slip on your shoes and you are ready to go. Remember to have a safe and fun Halloween.