How to Cook Golden Potatoes

Fall is approaching us quickly this year. With fall comes, the beloved Thanksgiving day meal. For most of us, we will be pulling out our cookbooks and skimming through their pages looking for that just right recipe. It is always nice to learn a new way of dressing up an old Thanksgiving day favorite, or just to add a new taste to your Turkey day meal. Through the years, I have gathered a few recipes for cooking and baking yams, also known as the sweet potato.

Time Saver Tip:

Instead of baking the potatoes before mashing or cutting, you can always buy canned yams. Be sure to drain well before using. It is always a good idea to give the potatoes a good rinse before using. To do so, just simply open the can and pour it’s contents into a strainer and rinse. This will reassure that if there was any dirt missed at the factory during the caning process, you have now removed it.

Quick Tip:

if you plan on buying the potato and baking or boiling it before mashing, be sure to rinse it’s skin and give it a good scrub. For this process, I use a toothbrush. This will get off any dirt that may still be on the skin of the potato. Do not stab with a fork. Just forget this step altogether. When you bake or boil the potato, it will peal away from the skin on it’s own if you do not poke holes in it.

When baking, how you will know that they are done baking is when you see them starting to prune.

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cut a slice in them and scoop out the innards with a spoon. No fighting with the skin to peel the potato.

Golden Potatoes


In frying pan over medium heat, saute 1 chopped yellow onion and 1 clove of garlic minced and butter. Take 4 cups mashed yams and place in the bottom of a baking pan. Spread the sauteed onion and garlic mix over the top of the mashed yams. Place in oven at 350 and bake for 20 minutes or until warm.

Golden Nuggets

4 Tablespoons of butter
1 cup of brown sugar

If you are not using canned potatoes for this one; peel and cut your potatoes before boiling. Take your chunk potatoes and line the bottom of a baking dish with them. Sprinkle your brown sugar over the top of them. Now dab spoon fulls of butter on top of the brown sugar. Place into oven and bake at 350 for 25 minutes, or until the butter is melted.

Mashed Yams

4 to 6 Yams (depending on their size)
1/2 a cup of milk
2 tablespoons of butter
1/4 cup of sour cream

Add together butter and cooked yams, mix until the butter melts. Beat in milk until mixed. Add in sour cream until mixed. Heat in microwave for 5 minutes if desired.

Golden Fluff

1 bag mini marshmallows
4 tablespoons of butter

In an oven safe pan, line the bottom with potatoes. Cover the potatoes with mini marshmallow. Drop 4 tablespoons of butter evenly spaced onto the top of the marshmallows. Place in oven at 350 for 20 minutes or until marshmallows and butter melt.