How to Control Weight with Acupressure

You can control your appetite and lose weight with acupressure. With acupressure you can release chi blocks and return your body to it’s normal functioning. These acupressure points and routines are used to control the appetite and regulate metabolism. Massaging and pressing these acupressure points for weight control will help you to control hunger and lose weight. After you have learned the location of these acupressure points apply steady finger pressure to the points for 60 seconds. You can also massage, tap and pinch the area.

Massage your hand firmly and thoroughly for at least a minute. You can pinch, rub, tap, massage and knead your hand, fingers and wrist. Include the fingernails and fingertips. Press on every space in your hands. One acupressure massage technique is pressing with your thumb and then moving your thumb in a circular motion. Another helpful acupressure treatment is an ear massage. Thoroughly massage your ears and earlobes for at least 60 seconds. Press on every part of your ears and massage around your ears. This is a detoxifying massage that is also good for your skin.

Some appetite control points are behind the ears. One point is behind the ear where the lobe’s connected to the ear. Another major hunger control point is between the upper lip and nose in the center. Pinch the cleft between your nose and upper lip when you’re hungry. Massage the area between your nose and upper lip with a moderate pressure. Other appetite control points are in the middle of the largest part of your calf, behind the knee in the center of the crease and in the arch of your foot right before the heel. Massage these points before eating and when you have food cravings.

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The appetite control point in your ear can be used to help you avoid overeating. To locate this point put your fingers on your jaw in front of your ears. Open and close your mouth so you feel your jaw bone moving. Feel for a space that is in front of your ear above your ear lobe when you open your mouth. This point will be found on the ear behind that space. That is the appetite control acupressure point. You can press this point with any of your fingers or hold it between your thumb and index finger. Press the appetite point with firm steady pressure for three minutes.

SP 6 helps to strengthen the digestive system. SP 6 is inside your leg four finger widths above the ankle bone. This point is right behind the bone toward the back of the leg. Press this point firmly for about 60 seconds. Pregnant women should not press this point.

ST 36 has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. ST 36 is four finger widths below the kneecap and one finger width outside the shin bone. Hold this point for about one minute using moderate to firm pressure.

SP 9 is three finger widths below the knee cap and one finger width toward the inner leg in a depression under the top of the tibia. The SP 9 point is involved in regulating the body’s water metabolism.

ST 40 is an important point for clearing excess moisture and phlegm. It is also useful for eliminating excess weight. St 40 is on the outside of the leg in the middle of the lower leg two finger widths behind the shin bone.

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LI 11 is at the outer end of the elbow crease. LI 11 helps to regulate intestinal activity and clear excess heat and moisture from the body. Bend your arms and press LI 11 at the outer end of the crease at your elbows. Press for about 60 seconds.

LV 3 is an important acupressure point. It helps to prevent the stagnation of chi in the body and it’s an important point for stress relief. LV 3 is on top of the foot in a depression about a half inch up from the web between the big toe and second toe. Press between the bones toward the base of the second toe. Press for about 60 seconds.

Massage and press LI 4 and P6 for two minutes. LI 4 is at the highest point of the flesh that protrudes when you hold your thumb and index finger together. P 6 is two finger widths above the crease in the wrist of the inner arm.

End your weight control acupressure sessions by stimulating the appetite control point on both ears for at least 60 seconds.

Try these hunger control tips if you have emotional eating problems. If you’re eating because you’re depressed try massaging the little finger of your left hand. Massage this little finger from the inside toward the outside. Massage the area below the nail of the little finger when you want to eat because of depression. If you feel hunger because of stress massage this point in the webbing between your thumb and index finger. The point is two finger widths beneath the knuckle below the index finger and half a finger width toward the thumb.

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