How to Conduct a Protestant Baby Dedication Ceremony

Many protestant churches do not practice infant baptism. In place of this ritual, these churches often substitute a baby dedication ceremony. While the infant baptism is primarily concerned with the infant, the baby dedication is a challenge to parents and grandparents to raise the child to serve God. The reason for the change of ritual is that many protestant Christians believe that water baptism only has efficacy after a person has reached an age to have the ability to make a conscious decision to follow Christ. Since infants do not have that capacity, it is believed that the purity of infancy and early childhood protects them from the judgements of God.

However, protestant believers do believe that the Bible exhorts parents and families to raise their children in a Godly fashion. The baby dedication ceremony becomes an opportunity for parents to declare their intent publicly before people and God. A prayer is offered for God to help the parents fulfill their part of the dedication and for the child to be led by the Spirit at the right time into a decision to make of life commitment to Christ.

These ceremonies can be quite simple with a minister asking the couple about their intent and then offering the prayer. They can be made much more complex with vows even being repeated. Many years ago, I developed a ceremony of my own that is similar to others that I have encountered over time. This ceremony can be made more or less involved relatively easily by the minister officiating at the event.

To perform this rite, you will need several items

1 White Rose- I prefer silk because they will last as keepsakes, but real will do fine.
1 Red Rose
1 Rose bud-I prefer white, but red or almost any color can be used
1 Child’s New Testament-any type will do, but I try to get either the pink or blue to match the gender of the infant.
1 Dedication Certificate-these can be obtained at almost any Christian book and gift store. I have never looked online, but they are probably easy to find there also.

It is best if you can meet with the parent(s) a week or so before the dedication ceremony is scheduled to occur. All that is necessary at this meeting is that they understand the meaning of the ceremony and a general idea how the ceremony will be conducted. You may choose at this meeting to encourage the parent(s) be certain that their relationship with God is solid and up-to-date. It is also a good time to find out if the grandparents will be attending the ceremony. If they are Christians, you may want to invite them to pray for their children while you offer the dedicatory prayer for the infant.

Anyone who chooses to use this ceremony is welcome to make any theological adjustments to the text that are necessary to fit your ecclesiastical position. Likewise, both the red and white roses can be awarded to the same parent with minor changes in the wording when necessary.

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Before the service when the dedication will occur, place the roses, certificate (already filled in), and New Testament on a table near where the ceremony will be conducted. Some ministers recruit their spouse or staff member to assist by giving the items to the couple at the appropriate point in the ceremony. However, it works just as well when done solo.

The minister addresses the congregation before calling the family of the infant forward.

The scripture reminds us that children are a heritage from the Lord. God entrusts them to us to raise in the fear of God and in His service. As parents, we must be vigilant from earliest childhood to stress the importance of God’s presence in our lives. This must be done not only by our words, but by our actions. Parents must model their Christian life before their family.

We do not believe it is necessary to baptize infants in water because baptism is to follow a choice to give our life to God and ask for the forgiveness of sins. Infants are unable to do either. God honors their purity and until they understand the meaning of salvation and personal sin, water is not administered. Few argue the purity of a newborn child.

Call the couple forward.

Present the Red Rose to the father of the child. Addressing the father:

This red rose is given to you to represent your role in raising this young child. Bringing up a child is done best by two dedicated parents. As the father of this
little one, this red rose represents first the importance of the family blood line. In most societies, it is the blood line of the father that is considered to be continued in the children. You are the keeper of this trust. You are expected to teach your child what this means. It is your responsibility to instruct him/her in the value of a good name and reputation. Likewise, you must conduct your own life to be an example of this before him/her.

The Bible puts you in the unique position to be the priest and leader of your family. Take this responsibility with great seriousness. No one will do it for you. Lead your family in prayer and spiritual matters. Be the leader without being the dictator. Be a father that your young child can follow in life and into heaven.

The red rose also represents the work of Christ in giving his blood for the salvation of men and women. At the appropriate time, you are challenged to make sure that your son/daughter has the plan of salvation made clear so a decision can be made by him/her for Christ. Follow that decision by assisting your child to continue to grow as a Christian and servant of God.

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Present the White Rose to the Mother of the Child. Addressing the mother:

This white rose symbolizes purity. As the mother of this infant, it is your responsibility to instruct him/her in the value of living a pure life before man and God. Your duty is to maintain purity within your life and within your home as an example of the purity of Christ. The Bible challenges us to live a life without sin and above reproach. Your son/daughter will follow what you are far more than what you say. Maintain this purity with all of your strength. You are God’s representative before your son/daughter of His purity and holiness.

The white rose also stands for the purity that comes from the imparted righteousness of God at the time of salvation. Seek God often for help to maintain this standard and to teach it to your child when he/she is old enough to understand. It is only by realizing the meaning of purity that the child will grasp the unholy nature of sin and choose to forsake it.

Present the Rose Bud to the parent that is not holding the child. Address both parents:

You have been present a rose bud. The rose bud has not yet revealed what it will be. Its loveliness and potential is still locked within its tightly closed petals. With time, the rose within will be revealed. Like the rose, your baby has a future that will be revealed as he/she grows and develops. Unlike the rose, this future will be directly influenced by you. You are called upon to help this delicate life to unfold in a way that is pleasing to God and man.

This life has been given to you as a sacred trust. How you handle this trust will affect how this life unfolds. Understand that God expects you to enlist His help
to accomplish this joyful task. Day by day, this life will develop before you. Small things will be big in a young life. Treat your son/daughter as the special gift that
he/she is. Well raised children are a joy to the parents and a blessing to God and society. This life is in your hands. Handle it with the care it deserves.

Call the grandparents forward if they are to be a part of the ceremony. Addressing them and the congregation:

Each of us also has a role in the life of this child. We must include him/her in our daily prayers. It is important to this child that we assist these parents in their
calling to raise a Godly child. While remembering that this is their son/daughter, we still have a challenge to be an asset to this effort.

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Present the New Testament to the parents and continue:

I give you this New Testament as God’s Word. Let this word be the light and guide that is needed to instruct you as parents and grandparents in raising this
little one. Teach him/her its precepts and doctrines. Use it to guide this young life in the way it should go. Always strive to keep this Word before your son/daughter so that it will become a part of his/her life.

If you choose to, take the baby into your arms to pray for it. If the grandparents are involved, ask them to pray for their son and daughter as you pray for the infant. Model your prayer similarly to this:

Lord, we bring this child to you. You have given him/her to these parents to represent you in his/her life. I ask you first to grant strength and wisdom to this
couple to make the right choices for this child as he/she grows before you. Help them to raise this little one to love and fear you. Bring help to them when it is

We dedicate this child, (Child’s name), to you today. May he/she always follow your word and your leading. Help him/her to become an example of Christian
faith in his/her family and community. Let your light shine through his/her eyes and life.

On this day, these parents make this commitment to do all within their power to raise their child to serve you. They will offer their protection, guidance, help,
and hope to him/her each and every day. Bless this family with your presence, unity, and love. In Christ’s holy name we ask these things. Amen.

Present the certificate to the parents as you conclude:

We offer you this certificate to remind you of your commitment that was made before God on this day. May God continue to bless you and your family from this day forward.

Instruct everyone to return to their seats to conclude the ceremony. If this is the end of the service, you may want to have them remain at the front and invite any friends and relatives to come and offer them words of support and blessing.