How to Combat Severe Dry Facial Skin

If you find this article helpful, you may wish to read the article by Melissa Bushman titled How to Combat Severe Dry Skin: Hands.


Severe dry skin on the face is a common problem. It can be quite problematic, because it can lead to long-term undesirable effects. Facial skin that is allowed to remain severely dry will show signs of premature aging over time. Dry skin can also cause unsightly flaking and red patches on the face. Fortunately, there are many skin care products available that have been specifically formulated for dry skin. This article will discuss additional steps that can help combat extremely dry skin on the face.

Important: If you have cracked, broken, or injured skin, consult a physician prior to applying these treatments.


The face must be washed at least twice every day at a minimum. Wash your face every morning to remove the dirt and oils that accumulate while sleeping. Oil and dirt from the hair is transferred to the face from the pillow every evening, and it is important to wash these impurities away. The face must also be washed every evening before retiring. Makeup, dirt, and oil accumulate throughout the day and must be removed.

Always use a gentle moisturizing cleanser specifically formulated for the face. Apply the cleanser per manufacturer directions. Remove the cleanser by rinsing with lukewarm water. Never use hot water on the face, because it promotes dryness. After cleansing, gently pat your face dry with a clean soft towel.


Always apply a moisturizer after washing your face. During the day, be sure to use a moisturizing lotion specifically formulated for daytime use on the face. Your daytime moisturizer should contain an SPF to protect the delicate facial skin from the damaging effects of the sun. Moisturizing lotion with an SPF must be used every single day. In the evening, apply a deep moisturizing cream specifically formulated for the face.

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Special Treatments

Apply a deep moisturizing treatment once per week. Some of the most effective deep moisturizing treatments can be made at home with ingredients that most people have in the kitchen.

Honey and avocado both contain moisturizing properties that are particularly beneficial to facial skin when used as a moisturizing mask, and both are safe for use on sensitive skin. Honey draws water to the skin, which increases moisture. Avocado contains abundant amounts of vitamins A, D, and E, all of which help to heal and moisturize severe dry skin. An avocado honey mask can be made by mixing ½ of an avocado with 2 Tablespoons honey. Mash the avocado and honey together until mixed well and apply evenly to face, avoiding the eye area. This mask may be left on for up to half an hour. Remove with lukewarm water and pat face dry with a clean soft towel.

Dry skin on the face can also benefit from a gentle exfoliating treatment. Severe dry skin should be exfoliated once every two weeks. Exfoliating more often than that may cause irritation. Always apply a moisturizer to the face after exfoliating.

Extremely sensitive skin can be exfoliated using a soft washcloth or natural sponge. For deeper exfoliation, there are several skin care products specifically formulated for this task. Products that work well include Mary Kay TimeWise Mircrodermabrasion, Avon Anew Clinical Micro-Exfoliant, and The Body Shop Aloe Gentle Exfoliator.

Exfoliating facial scrubs can also be made at home. An oatmeal facial scrub can be made by mixing ½ cup plain instant oatmeal-crushed, ½ cup honey, and one egg white. Rub mixture into clean face for 1-2 minutes and allow to dry. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat face dry with a clean soft towel (Homemade Skin Scrubs).

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A micro scrub exfoliating treatment can be made by mixing baking soda and ¼ cup water. Add enough baking soda to create a paste. Rub into skin in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat face dry with a clean soft towel.

Melissa Bushman has published additional articles at Associated Content. Please click her name at the top of this page to view her other work.

References“Homemade Skin Scrubs.” HGTV website. URL:,1801,HGTV_3144_2535174,00.html