How to Clean Your Marble Floors

A beautiful expanse of clean marble flooring is an asset to any home. Keep in mind that certain products and procedures can cause damage when cleaning marble floors. In certain situations it is best to call in professionals to clean marble floors. Keep your elegant flooring in mint condition by following these simple instructions on how to clean marble floors.

Cleaning Marble Floors: Cleaning Products
It is best to just use plain warm water to clean marble floors. If warm water does not clean marble floors adequately, a tiny bit of ammonia may be added to the water. You may also use a small amount of neutral pH detergent, diluted in hot water, to clean marble floors.

I have found two cleaning products that are specially formulated for cleaning marble floors. Parish Supply’s Neutral Stone Cleaner ($30.36/gallon, leaves clean marble floors streak free. Marbelex’s Stone Floor Cleaner ($25.04/gallon, also leaves minimal streaks on clean marble floors. Make sure to read and follow product instructs before use. Misuse of these products could damage your marble floors.

Never use everyday cleaning products when cleaning marble floors. Most cleaning products are acidic, especially if they contain vinegar. Marble is extremely porous, so these products will stain your marble floor. Acidic beverages and food, such as wine and tomato sauce, need to be cleaned up immediately. Otherwise, these stains will be hard or impossible to get out.

Cleaning Marble Floors: Mops & Brooms
The mops and brooms you use for cleaning marble floors should only be used for that task. This will keep any harmful cleaning products or debris from accidentally damaging your marble floors. Some people use extremely soft bristled brooms or vacuums to clean marble floors. I prefer to error on the side of caution and use a dust mop to sweep with.

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Cleaning Marble Floors: Do Not Air Dry
It is best not to let clean marble floors air dry. Clean marble floors can spot or stain, if left to air dry. Use a fluffy towel, for minimal abrasion, and completely dry your clean marble floors.

Cleaning Marble Floors: Cleaning Frequency
It is best to clean marble floors at least three days a week. This upkeep will keep harmful debris from scratching your floors. It will also keep stains that you do not immediately notice from getting ground in.

Cleaning Marble Floors: Sealers
Sealers are good for protecting your marble floors and making them less slick. However, some say that they are not good for marble and cause a dark discoloration. Sealer will discolor over time and need chemical stripping.

Cleaning Marble Floors: Hire a Professional
When cleaning marble floors, there are some tasks that are best left to the professionals. Typical things that will significantly stain marble are iron, copper, grease, ink and oil. If your gorgeous floors have sustained extensive damage, let the experts handle it. They may have to wet sand and chemical strip your marble floors. They will have the appropriate protective clothing needed for chemically cleaning marble floors.

Cleaning marble floors is an easy task that just has to be approached attentively. By following the proper guidelines, you can clean marble floors without fear of damaging them. The luxurious beauty of marble floors far outweigh the imposition of upkeep.
