How to Clean Your Kidneys

Our kidneys are complicated organs that perform a very vital role in maintaining our body’s well-being. Shaped like beans and sized as big as a fist, their primary function is to keep the blood clean and chemically balanced. In addition, they work to maintain the balance of bodily fluids; they filter the blood, excrete a variety of waste products produced by the metabolic processes, regulate blood pressure, secrete hormones, and perform a number of other critical functions.

Daily the kidneys process approximately 200 quarts of blood and sift out about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water that are produced in metabolism. The waste products and extra water become urine that is stored in the bladder until we urinate.

Needless to say, it is imperative that we take good care of our kidneys. Unfortunately, sometimes they can get overloaded with toxins and thus become incapable of functioning effectively. When this happens, frequently crystals form in the urine from the various salts that build up on the inner surfaces of the kidney, and kidney stones are formed.

A common symptom of an ailing kidney is the manifestation of lower back pain or pain in the kidney area. Blood in the urine, edema (or water retention) in the lungs, legs, and abdomen are also symptoms.

When such symptoms occur, it is particularly helpful to undergo a kidney cleanse to dissolve the stones. A kidney cleanse improves kidney health by flushing out toxins from the kidney and the bladder. It also works towards eliminating urinary tract infection.

There are several forms of kidney cleanses. You can find dozens of herbal recipes for a kidney cleanse on the market or over the internet. One of the more popular forms is the watermelon cleanse. (Warning: This is not suited for persons with diabetes.) The water content in watermelons is extremely high, and it is rich in essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and smaller amounts of copper, iron and zinc. Watermelon has diuretic properties, promoting intestinal elimination. A lemonade diet is another form of kidney cleanse. Generally, water fasting, juice fasting, or any form of fasting that involves the intake of a lot of liquid (except coffee) is a form of kidney cleanse. You need to drink a lot of liquid to flush out your insides. The goal is to produce a gallon of urine daily.

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While on the fast, avoid strenuous physical activity. In order to encourage your metabolism, walking, gardening or even light yoga are permissible.

It is possible to dissolve kidney stones naturally in a matter of weeks. However, certain people are more prone to forming kidney stones than others.

It is important then to make changes in your diet to avoid or at least cut down on the foods that promote the forming of stones – for example, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, red meat, processed foods. Aside from cutting down on certain foods, it is essential to consume a lot of liquid daily. These measures, plus a regular exercise regimen, will go a long way towards keeping your kidneys functioning properly.

A cleansed kidney working at its optimal capacity will reward you by filtering out the pollutants, chemicals and other harmful substances from your body for a long time.