How to Chose the Best Shoes for Travel

Summer season is upon us, and many of us are on the move. Travel is a huge part of most people’s summer plans, and a well-planned vacation leaves all of us relaxed and rejuvenated, ready to head into fall. One important aspect of the travel season is the choice of shoe to wear and pack while on the road. Here are 10 tips to help you sort out which shoes to buy, which shoes to pack and which shoes to leave at home.

1. The End Point: The first consideration in choosing proper shoes is to consider your destination and/or destinations. If you’re going on a beach vacation, you will obviously need sandals and flip-flops more so than, say, a city destination – even if both vacations are to be taken during the summer. Also, you need to think about multiple destinations. If you plan on spending three days on a Spanish beach and a week in Madrid, you will need different shoes for reach leg of the trip. Consider all of your stops and which shoes will be most appropriate for each place. It’s easy to focus on the fact that it’s summer and to envision yourself propped up under a beach umbrella, but you need also to consider museums, restaurants and hotels while you’re away. Very seldom does only one type of shoe meet all of a traveler’s needs!

2. Getting There: In addition to considering multiple destinations, you should also consider the actual task of traveling to and from your destination. Will you be flying? If so, you should pack a pair of shoes that are easily removed for airport security. Will you be staying in a swank hotel? If so, you may not want to slap across a marbled lobby in plastic flip-flops. Will you be taking a dingy bus through the backwoods of a jungle adventure? You may not want to wear open-toed shoes for that one. So, even if you end up on that beach under that umbrella, think about how you’re going to get there.

3. The Trump Card: I believe that when it comes to shoes and travel, comfort trumps fashion. Well, I should clarify. If you’re wildly wealthy and have limos to take you from point A to point B, well, then, by all means let fashion be your guide. But, for most of us who have to hoof it on our own, there is nothing worse than trying to hobble around a foreign city in shoes that have our feet begging for an oversized ottoman in under an hour. So, think about how your feet are going to feel after hours of walking, climbing, descending and standing. Because travel involves a great deal of movement, and much of it is on one’s feet.

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4. The Glaring Bad Guy: I’m going to be honest and to say it straight out lest there be any confusion: white tennis shoes/sneakers have no place in a travel schedule. Whew. There. The worst is over. That being said, and as I stated above, you need not be uncomfortable while traveling. But, big white tennis shoes scream tourist, and to most of the world they’re just flat-out offensive. Leave them at home, for your actual tennis games and gym workouts. There are plenty of other stylish, athletic options that are perfectly comfortable. Check out brands like Puma and Converse for a hip take on a comfortable shoe.

5. Neutrals Are Your Friend: Taking an entire suitcase full of shoes for your trip is likely out of the question. So, think basic, simple and neutral when you think shoes. Sure, your fuchsia ballet flats are adorable, but are they worth packing for only one outfit? Wouldn’t it be better to pack your black ballet flats, which go with several outfits rather than just one? If you stick with neutral colors: brown, black, white, and nude, you’ll get away with fewer shoes and a lot less hassle.

6. Weather Report: You should always consider the weather when packing for any trip, and this is especially important when it comes to shoes. Sure, summer is hot just about anywhere. But, it also rains in a quite a few places during the summer. A closed-toed shoe would be much easier to navigate slippery streets than delicate strappy sandals. Also consider heat and the fact that most feet swell in extreme temperatures.

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7. Now is the Time: The first day of your vacation is not the time to be breaking in a new pair of shoes. You need to purchase the shoes and have worn them several times before embarking on your adventure. This will give you time to see if they fit properly, if they leave blisters, if your feet swell after hours of walking and if they hold up after hours on your feet. Don’t make the mistake of far too many travelers who spent hours in hotel rooms soaking sore feet or spent a fortune and extra time buying new shoes in their destination city. Spend your time seeing the sights instead.

8. Support, Support, Support: Many vacations involve a great deal of walking and standing, often on uneven roads and cobbled stones (I’m thinking of you, Paris). Arch support is very important when considering shoes. A flat shoe may be easy to navigate, but be sure there is at least a modicum of arch support or your feet and back will both suffer later. If the shoe is utterly without support, and if you’re desperate to pack it, to buy slip-in supports just in case. They’re easy to find and cheap, and they just may save you from an hour of evening foot soaking and a couple of pain pills for your aching back.

9. A Good Investment: New shoes for a vacation through the streets of Rome should be seen as an investment. This is not the type to go cheap or synthetic. Now is the time for real lather, for well-crafted shoes that will last you not only the few weeks you’re gone this year but next year and the year after that. A good, solid, well-made pair of shoes will last you years, and if you purchase the right pair, they will ultimately mold to your feet so that they feel like slippers. When you purchase your shoes, go to a store with well-trained salespeople. I also find Nordstrom employees to be very well-informed across the board, and the shoe department is no exception. For vacations during which you will be walking, try The Walking Store. They specialize in footwear that will last all day, and they have simple, neutral styles that are versatile and well-made. It can be tempting to go cheap on shoes when you’re considering airline tickets and hotels, but remember that a pair of ill-fitting shoes can ruin any fun you planned on having.

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10. The List: After traveling myself and hearing travel shoe woes from others for years, I have compiled a list of shoe brands that I hear (and I have personally worn) are very comfortable, hold up well, are versatile (casual and elegant) and are well-crafted and will last years. Of course, try them all for yourself and find your own style. And be sure to try them in person, with a trained salesperson. But this list will be a great starting point and should include brands to fit everyone’s tastes and budgets. Here goes: Teva, Merrill, Ecco, Rockport, Mephisto, Cole Haan, Keen’s, Rockport, Converse, Puma, Clarks, Campers and Born. Of course, there are many other brands, and if you have a favorite brand or pair of shoes, obviously stick with what works for you. Also, if you’re not near a larger shopping area, several online sites include free shipping and free returns. I have personally used and have had great results. Returns are very easy. Piper Lime is another great site, as is Zappos.

The point of a vacation is to relax, to enjoy oneself and to come back feeling better than you did before you left! You want to take in the sites, forget about work and immerse yourself in a new place. Choosing and taking the right pair(s) of shoes can help you do that, reducing the risk that you’ll be uncomfortable or out of place anywhere you go. With a little research, forethought and a solid investment, you’ll have the perfect traveling shoes for years to come.